BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Quickstart Intro

Here is the barest bones:   The world: Poy, or at least the part of it your
The Kingdom of Flastoria is engaged in a desperate and epic struggle against the spread of evil across the land. They are the last holdout in this part of the world. You have volunteered (or been recruited) for a mysterious quest by the Flastorian military. The exact nature of it is still shrouded. What is known is that the military is investing a lot of effort into whatever it is and it promises both great danger and great rewards.  

Twenty years ago, mysterious bands of raiders began attacking the Kingdom of EvEstes in the west. Composed largely of Goblins and Bugbears, they raided villages and disappeared into the night. Soon, bands became hordes, raids became assults, and villages became towns. When the High-Lord of EvEstes and his family was slaughetered during an attack on the Winter Palace a minor noble, Bassitor - Earl of Kern-Upon-Stiles, rallied the defenders. He quickly became famous as he lead the defense of EvEstes and within a year had been named High-Lord.

Over the next five years, High-Lord Bassitor rallied the other nations to face the evil and mysterious onslaught. Soon High-Lord Bassitor became King Bassitor as EvEstes entered into aliances with neighboring kingdoms for mutual defense. Treaties that placed the EvEstian army, famed for their successes, above the other rulers.

When Dweepleanppen was approached after the first incursion into that countries territory, Bassitor sent emeseries to establish similar treaties. The northern country was a rugged lot, heavily influenced by the Dwarven communities that filled it's southern border. Like many, they were uncomfortable with the power others had relinquished to Bassisor. The ruling council declined. Within a fortnight, a massive horde began moving from the northern wilds. At first it was a rout, but as the defenders began to organize another force appeared from the west. The armies of EvEstes marched on to the field... on the side of the Hordes. The mask had fallen away.

For the next several years, EvEstes and Bassitor have slowly and methodically expanded their reign. With a seemingly unlmited number of goblinoid foot soldiers, they swallowed up Kingdom after Kingdom. Durring this time, travel outside conquored territories is almost impossible. EvEstes controls gates to two other lands and has even established it's own guild for airships. Foreign traders are only allowed at a few ports near the border.


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