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Borean Script

The language known as Borean Script (or occasionally Borean Speak) is a language that is now beyond translation.  In fact, it is the only written language ever found that resists even magical translation.  It is called the Borean Script because it was first found on a stone slab recovered from the a shallow section of the Borean Ocean, between Coshath and Ugrekech. Since then, the script has been found on all populated continents.  The script appears to be a fairly simple cuneiform, with written words being composed of lines, slightly thicker one side and narrowing to a point, which cross and join consistently.  The lines seem to come in only three lengths, with the largest being three times the length of the shortest, and the mid length being twice the length of the smallest.   The largest mystery still is that this script, while clearly a language, resists all standard attempts to translate it magically.  Between spells such as Tongues, Comprehend Language and even less direct divinations, all other found languages have been at least partially deciphered, only missing proper nouns or concepts which do not have direct translations. Even these can be read eventually using simple context or deciphering the pronunciation structure using clues given by the afore mentioned spells. But not so for the Borean Script. Even conventional scholarly research seems to be resisted by the script.   What is known, or at least suspected, is that the script is suspected to be related to Draconic script, though it is debated if one derives from the other, or if they merely share a common origin. The basic structural elements of the language are similar and most layfolks aren't able to distinguish between the two unless they are at least able to read draconic. Scholars are still attempting to devise ways to translate the language, and some seek out the aid of dragonkind in the work.


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