Blohai Character in Pretheya | World Anvil


Benevolent Bearer Of Good Intentions
The sixty-ninth of the Hundred Gods, Blohai is one of the least known of the Ormr Tradition's pantheon. Known by all but directly worshipped by very few, they are included within rituals designed to honour all of the Hundred, but rarely receive direct prayer themselves aside from a small group of individuals whom they are the de-facto patron of.  


Blohai is commonly described as taking the form of a large blue shark, and is thought to reside in one of the many lakes along the southern coast of Landamar. Despite the fearsome appearance usually associated with sharks, it is said that they possess a soothing countenance, and that all who lay eyes upon them immediately sense their good will.  

The Blue Shark of the Lake

There is only one major legend relating to Blohai, and it pertains to the history of the Lokili. It is said that during the time of the First Country, there was an individual among the Tveirfotr who sought to change their body from that of a man to a woman. First, they attempted to dress differently, but were unsatisfied with this alone. Next, they let their hair grew out and decorated themselves with all manner of paints and other adornments, but this still was not enough for them. Finally, they tried consuming a concoction made from all manner of herbs and animal extracts, including some truly disgusting components, but this too had no effect.   They languished for a number of years, before eventually coming across a great lake one day, located in the south of the country. There, at the edge of the lake, they met a blue shark, which - sensing their pain - asked them what troubled them. They told the shark of all that had befallen them, and lamented their inability to have the body they desired.   The shark took pity upon them, and told them to reach out into the water and touch its head. Upon doing so, they found that it was smoother than any surface they had ever felt. When they withdrew their hand, they were astonished to find that all of their skin had taken on the same texture. They looked into the surface of the water to find that their shoulders had thinned and their hips grown out, and they now wore the shape of a woman.   With their wish fulfilled, the woman was then able to live out the rest of her life without any of the pain their body had caused them, and so they lived happily ever after.
Part of a series on
Individuals of the Hundred
  1. Lyrielle the Thirty-Seventh
  2. Forfir the Forty-First
  3. Blohai the Sixty-Ninth
Current Status
Vibing in a body of water somewhere in Landamar
Date of Birth
2014 Lom
Ikkeya, the Northern Islands
Beyond mortal concepts such as gender
Big and black, very cute
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Super smooth, like all sharks
Exactly large enough to be perfect for hugging
A Blahaj in one of its natural habitats
My blahaj sat in my mother's chair by Me
A plush toy made to resemble the commonly held appearance for Blohai
Race: Ormr Shark
Gender: Affirming
Alternate Names: The Sixty-Ninth
Titles: Comforter, Protector of Change
Physical Characteristics
Form: Said to have taken the appearance of a blue shark, similar to those found off the east-Pretheyan coast
Height: Exactly large enough to be perfect for hugging
Weight: Lightweight and compact
Eyes: Big and black, very cute
Skin/feathers/pigmentation: Super smooth, like all sharks

Cultural Conceptions

Blohai is considered to be the god of those who change their gender, and the vast majority of their worshippers are accordingly Lokili and other transgender or non-binary individuals. Common epithets for them include 'Protector of Change', 'The Comforter', and 'Beyou.' The latter supposedly traces its roots back to a Saltiltomeyin word meaning approval, self-expression, and something that is in line with a person's values. It is thought that Blohai provides their worshippers with a sense of comfort and safety, in an ever turbulent and often adversarial world. Beyond this, however; no miracles have been associated with them, making them much like Amanojaku in a regard.  
In most Landamaeri folk belief, Blohai is depicted as an unerringly positive figure; known for their warm demeanour and friendliness. Although there is exceedingly little concrete historical information about them, the depiction of Blohai as being so friendly to humans has intrigued Landamaeri historians; who take it to suggest that they were kind to humanity during the First Country. From their minor appearances in stories involving others of the Hundred Gods, they appear to have mostly enjoyed swimming and/or resting on the surfaces of lakes. A popular folk belief states that Blohai is unfond of winter; because the cold causes bodies of water to freeze over, making it impossible for them to swim in them.
Pictured: A disappointed Blohai


Small stuffed toys are often created in Blohai's resemblance. The first recorded example of such a toy dates back to the year 1014 Re, where it was observed in northern Belyria. Curiously, despite Blohai being a Landamaeri god, the creation of these plushes seems to have originated in the north-Pretheyan region of Ikaeya; a distant land known for its frigid temperatures and skilled woodcutters. Given the immense distance between Landamar and Ikaeya, the question of how the Ikaeyans came to be aware of Blohai has long mystified scholars; who can find no conclusive evidence.
"I mean, Blohai is a shark, right? Maybe they swam up there and met up with them, at some point?"
— Speculating scholar
  Despite the fact that they are technically icons of a heathen god, these plush toys have found tremendous commercial success within the Rukhmarite world, and are popular in towns and cities throughout Pretheya. In the event that an official of the Firebird Church stops by, the toy's innocuous appearance makes it easy to claim that it is just a simple shark.   Additionally, the toys have a bizarre habit of popping up for sale in places where there are a high concentration of gender-non-conforming individuals. According to the merchants selling them, it's just good business sense; but their uncanny ability to always be there to provide anyone in need with a plush shark is somewhat suspicious. The same merchants always seem to set up their stalls next to bodies of water. How strange.


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Apr 8, 2024 15:44 by Owen, You may never know….

Oh my, I actually have that ‘blohai’ plush toy! *nerd mode on* uhm actuuallly, ThAt PlUsH ToY Is FrOm ThE ReAl WoRlD so uhhhh you got dat wrong heheh (yes I’m being dramatic)

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