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Second Age

The Second Age, known as the Age of Men, began after the complete destruction of Soulthek's armies at the hands of the Last Army and the Sand Elves. The world began in chaos and darkness, civilization had largely collapsed, and the legacy of the Elven Kingdoms lingered over the survivors like shadow. The Elves had lost aroudn 88% of their population, and the world largely left abanonded. There was only one race that could regroup the world, and that was the long subjugated humans.   This was a period of time that lasted around two millenia, with numerous horrific events within them, from Soulthek's second return, the destruction of magic, the rise and fall of the Marcian Empire, and the Dark Ages. The Second age was frought with danger and conflict, and ultimately ended with the begining of the Awakening, a period of scientific and political thought that rejuvinated the kingdoms of Prima Terra.    

Early Second Age (2a, 0-600)

The collapse of the Sun Elves had a catestrophic effect on the peoples of Prima Terra. The lands devasting by the pillaged were in disaray, with many returning to nomadic lifestyles long forggotten. The last surviving Elven states were the Sand Elves in sargon, and the Moon Elves, who resumed their civil war not long after Soulthek was destroyed.   The Moon Elf Civil War continued till around 2a, 350. The Pacifists were ultimately successful, creating martial art techniques to non-lethally subdue their enemies. Their victory saw the Militarists exiled, half their fleet sailing for Aedrinar, forming the Ice Elf culture, and half their fleet sailing south towards the now scarely populated southern lands. The Pacifists worked on rebuilding their civilisation, removing barracks and establishing peaceful relations with their Dwarven neighbours the Ironians.   The Ironians were a stern honour bound and religious sect of Dwarves. Their City of Ironia had emerged as the strongest leader during the Dwarven Rebellion three centuries prior, and they had prided themselves on their diplomacy and tactics. They reaffirmed control over the Dwarven Mounts, and even began pushing into the Crag and Vale. During the early Second Age, the Ironians were a clear world leader.   The humans had become scattered tribes once again. The Gwenyddians and Kernowians engaged in petty land wars, and the Albionites returned to their farmsteads and forests. It was the humans of the Heart that had been affected the most, their homes and cities destroyed, and many of their resources scattered. around 450, a small group of humans from this region began to rebuild Byzarion, christening it Rexia, and established a new trade hub for the various tribes around them. In the East, the Hannic tradition of horse riding had based onto the Kingdom of Condor, whilst others formed small petty kingdoms and tribes.   The East saw the Sand Elves reduced to a fraction of their power. They found it hard to recover from the war, and their low lates of birth quickened this decline, as they were not able to refill key areas of their state that were missing. This led to them allowing more and more human settlers into their land, which slowly lead to an increase in the population of Half-Elves.   In the south, the fleeing Miltarists founded the state of Seldrinar, the precurssor to the Seldrian Sumpremacy, on the Vollyrock Tip. Halflings and Gnomes started forming petty kingdoms, the major kingdoms being Tippytree, Tinkerton, and Valleyhome. It was Valleyhome that became the most powerful of these, its position in the heart of the region giving it access to trade and commerce that no other region had.  

Shadow Empire (600-1050)

The Eastern Sun Elves had left numerous artefacts and magical items within the ruins of their ancient kingdom. This was aided by the natural magical energies found in the heart of the continent, and since the fall of civilization in this part of the world saw all these resources up for grab. Since their exile from the Elves, the Drow had developed their own society, formed by their harsh living in the underdark and devotion to Lloth, they had generations to prepare for a war on the surface.   They had become aware of Soulthek's armies through their spies, and even fended off the few forces Soulthek sent into the Underdark. They knew their time to strike was now, and using the powerful magical energies in the region they cast a massive darkness across the heart of the continent, and set out to claim the surface for themselves. All elves they encountered were slaughtered, and all others were enslaved, with no power left to fight them.   In the West, human and half-elves in the former West Elf lands of modern Marcia, began to form small towns and cities. These were dominated by the Galiyia in the East, and Altruscia in the West. Kernow began its height of growth in this time, creating a powerful trade empire. However, in the distant island of Aedrinar, the return of the Honoured folk saw their population bomb, and wage a war with Jotun, claiming much of their land and beginign to raid the coasts of Kernow, Gwenydd, and Tumbria.   This was briefly disrupted by the arrival of refugees from Aederic arrived, but they began to integrate themselves in the countires they found themselves in, whilst some fled further south, building the second holy city of Goscantinople. The south itself was just as divided as the rest of the world, although in relative peace in comparison. This was changed when the Yuan-Ti Empire, built on the Serpantine Isles began to colonise the southern coast, building large impressive temple and cities.   The Sand Elves had regained enough strength to fend off the Shadow Empire to the east, stopping too many incursions into their land, but having to built large defences as they began to neglect their border with northern Lizardfolk kingdoms and the burgeoning Kenku Kingdom, and their ancient defences along the Dragonwall with the Orcish lands. This stopped the Shadow Empire spreading too far, and forced them to divert attention from their attacks on the South and the Silverwood.   Ultimately the Shadow Empire was doomed from its creation. Within 20 short years they had subjugated the entire interior, but their relliance on slavery and their natural superiority complex over other races meant they began to stagnate quickly. By 900, the Dwarves of Ironia began to mobilise, utilising fleeing human slaves, the mountain nomads, and Goliath clans to create a powerful army. Their cities went into a full military economy and began to prepare for invasion of the Shadow Empire.   The Ironian-Shadow war began in 936, and the Ironians fought the Drow to a standstill, crushing their armies and holding key cities and fortifications. The was did begin to swing to the Drow's favour, driving the Ironians back before the Ironians managed to again turn the tide. The war ebbed and flowed between the two sides, with the Ironians even utilising Moon-Elf martial artists within their army.   Desperate for resources, the Shadow Empire invaded the Silverwood to drain its magical essence. The Green Elves there retaliated, and used their arcane gates of their Aetherian precadessors to sent a powerful magical energy out of the silverwood, increasing its side ten-fold and dispersing the Darkness cloud. This gave the invading Ironians the key advatange they needed, and by 1050 the Shadow Empire was completely destroyed, driven back to the underdark.   The rest of the continent remained content, whilst the Ironians, Green Elves, and Sand Elves tackled the Shadow Empire, the Yuan-Ti expanded further in the south, whilst they began to slowly become corrupted by the Serpant God, transition to a tradition of human sacrifice.  

Rexian Empire (1050-1699)

The fall of the shadow empire again left a power vacuum in the heart of the continent. Ironia claimed the northern mountains, whilst the various human cities responsible for the slave uprising and wars took over fallen Shadow cities, built on the ruins of the ancient Eastern Elf citadels. This formed a triumvarate of Aetheric, the theocracy of the Goose Religion, Rexia, a wealthy and magic based culture formed on the central lake and in the ruins of the ancient Eastern Sun Elf empire, and the militaristic Condorians. Together they formed the Triumvariate, and began to bring back free civilization in the model of the Sun Elves.   The West was still living in a simplistic iron age at this time, with the Gwenyddians, Kernowians, and the Altruscian cultures forming the closest thing to the former civilizations that could be found. The Aedrinarans began to settle Tumbria, birthing the modern Tumbric culture in its earliest form. On Aedrinar, a peaceful coexistence between the three races, the Honoured Aedrinaran humans, The Ice Elves, and the Forst Giants of Jotun, was reached after Skald the Speaker led a three week long peace conference on the Peak of the Gods in a specially built diplomatic building, that now stands as the Palace of Skald today.   In the east, the Kingdom of Kenku subjugated all their rivals in Lower Sargon, becoming the biggest rival to the Triumvariate to their west. Whilst the Sand Elves recovered from yet another war, Orcish raids began again on their coast and interior, wearing them down further. This allowed the Triumvariate to expand eastwards, peacefully annexing the Sand Elves to repel the Orcish invasions.   In the North, Ironia began a golden age, and even claimed New Draconia, they began a long period of peace and prosperity where art and culture flourished, alongside their impressive weapons manufacturing which they exported to the powerful triumvariate.   In the south, the Yuan-Ti corruption had taken full effect, and the majority of their colonies were toppled, outside of the successor state of Serpantia which continued to exist. The City of Goscantinople rejoined Aetheric, expanding the Triumvarates influence.   On the 5th of Newsun, 1194, the King of Rexia discovered the lost Crown of the Eastern Sun Elves, and declared himself emperor, The Atheric state accepted this, whilst the Condorians had a small rebellion but were ultimately subjugated. This was the offical birth of the Rexian empire, and a new super-power existed once again in the heart of Prima Terra. They began to experiment with magic and design, using the powerful magical energies in their homeland to power their new civilization. The Orcs were again driven back, and the Dragon Wall once again restored.   Meanwhile, in Lower Sargon, the Kenku angered their gods with their greediness and cruelty, and the curse of the Kenku was given. They lost their ability to speak, and could only mimic. Their kingdom collapsed within 5 years, allowing the Rexian Empire to fully conquer the region.   By 1300, the Rexian Empire was at its height, it had become a continent spanning super-power, and had peacefully annexed the southern regions outside of Serpantia and Tippytree who were keen trading partners. The Rexian period of supremacy lasted until 1500, where the continent was in general peace and prosperity.   At this time, the west was seen as a barbaric remnant of a forgotten era, and generally left alone, whilst the East, the North, the South, and the Heart of the continent burgeonoued with culture, invention, and magic. This led to a false sense of security, as the empire began to neglect their borders and enemies, especially in the Orcish peninsula.   In the Orcish Peninsula, the tribes began to reform into confederations, all while a secretive Cult of Soulthek infriltrated the Rexian Empire, using their power to cipher magical energies and artefacts in order to reach Soulthek's prison on Pandemonium. Soulthek was returned, and reuinited the Orcs in the Third Great and Bountiful Orcish Empire. Rumours of his return spread across the continent, yet the Rexians refused to take it seriously. For some time, Soulthek remained hidden, and his cult of followers spread a magical plague to weaken the human empire. The Mage's Plague decimated those with magical abilities, and spread quickly throughout the empire.   With revolts and riots breaking out, Soulthek launched his attack. The colonies in Lower Sargon were the first to fall, followed by the former territories of the Sand Elves, bar their coastal citadels. The Rexians mobilised, and called in their Ironian Allies. This time Soulthek was met with a stronger resistance, dispite a weakened state, the Rexian Empire managed to hold Soulthek at a standstill.   Angered by this, Soulthek developed powerful magical weapons, whilst Imperial spies stole their designs and built the same for themselves. On the 9th Duskfall 1699, the Cataclysm occured. Both the Orcs and Rexians were annhilited by the fire of weapons. The West was protected only by the Green Elves, who used their magical powers to sheild the land from the fallout of these catestrophic weapons. The South escaped mostly free outside of key cities, whilst the heartlands of hte continent were destroyed. Soulthek marched his army forwards, and was defeated at the hands of the Ironians and Green Elves, and was cast back into pandemonium.  

Post-Cataclysm (1699-1800)

Following the cataclysm, the heart of the continent was destroyed. Its cities in ruins, and its magic corrupted. The fields died, and the water dried up. The Great Lake at the heart of prima terra was depleted with 60 years, as the landscape transformed into The Great Steppes.   As the Goose Religion lost its two most sacred cities, its followers fled west, eventually settling in the burgeoning city of Neapia. The west, left untouched by the intervention of the Green Elves, continued to develop at their standard rate. An impressive trade network began to be formed between Aedrinar, Kernow, Ironia, Neapia, Altrusica, and the Southern States, the biggest benefactor of this being Neapia, with its well developed infrastructure and colonies in Galliyia and Albion.   The Kingdom of Ironia, worn out and heavily damaged by the Second Soulthek War began to decline. They were met with economic collapse following the loss of their biggest trading partner, and massive climate change caused by the destruction of the Heart of the Continent. This led to numerous revolts from Goliaths, demanding their freedom outside of Dwarven control, and independence for the Moon Elves and Dragonborn.   This led to a century of instability and rebellion, all whilst crops died and the newer, colder environment damaged much of the Ironian infrastructure. By 1800, Ironia had withdrawn from the Vale, giving the Moon Elves an independent kingdom, and had been forced out of the Crag, leading to a new division of city states and warring kingdoms within the Dwarven Mountains.   The East saw the three kingdoms of Sargon formed, Cyrene, Alrior, and Nabadeen. These were kingdoms formed from a mixture of humans and half-elves, with the original Sand Elves continuing to decline in population, fleeing into small villages out in the wilderness of the desert. The destruction of the Heart also saw a warmer climate begin to effect Sargon, as tributaries began to dry up and longer, harsher summers set in.   The only civilization not in decline was that of the City State of Neapia, whom had large swathes of Albion and Marcia, and following a political coup in 1799, the Marcian Emperor was born under the rule of Septimus. Septimus reorganized his new empire, centralising it and restrucuring it into a series of provinces. Their Albionic coloines were renamed Provincia, and amongst other bold political moves he laid claim to the entirity of Altruscian territory, deeming it part of his new province of Marcia Superior.  

Marcian Empire (1800-2113)

A cold war between the Altruscians and Marcians recahed its boiling point when Altrusican fleets blockaded all trade vessles going into Neapia. In 1815 this caused the First Altruscian War, lasting five years and led to a stalemate, with the Marcian armies crippled and the Altruscian Navy decimated by the ingenous Admiral Cyprii. Peace didn't last long, and after a full transition to a military economy Marcia invaded Altruscia in the Second Altruscian war in 1824, the war lasted until the death of Septimus, where an unfavourable peace treaty was forced upon the Altruscians, meaning they could not rebuild their navy and were forced to give away their northernmost cities.   In Altruscia, this lead to the rise of the tyrannical Hannar, the third son of the defeated King Altron, who commited suicide in shame following the Second Altruscian War. Hannar forced his brothers into exile and took control, and began to immedietly defy the Marcian peace treaty. He led a sneak attack on the Marcians, begining the Third Altruscian War. Emperor Chroniclus was killed in battle, and his remains mutilated and buried in a hidden tomb. His half-brother Tyberon, leader of the III Legion became the new emperor, and employed new tactics he had learned from ancient Sun Elf tomes to stall Hannar. He eventually drove him back into Altruscia, but powerful voices in the Imperial Senate called for the destruction of Altruscia. Tyberon marched on the Altruscian capital, burning it to the ground in a three year siege, where Hannar commited suicide before his palace fell.   Given the name Tyberon Altruscius, the Emperor continued his campaigns, fighting the Galliyia in East Marcia, establishing the new province of Marcia Inferior, all whilst building new trade links with the southern kingdoms. This time was a period of growth for the Empire, with Tyberon and his successor, Darius, continued to grow the Marcian status at home, building monuments, settlements, and infrastructure. Darius was known for rebuilding the capital of Neapia during a great fire, building structures out of stone, marble, and quatrz, giving Neapia the nickname of the Crystal city. Darius also helped vastly urbanise and modernise the empire, brining the newly conquered people into the Imperial fold.   The Following dynasty of the Marcian Empire saw their age of military expansion, with all of Albion conquered, claiming the provinces of Albion Superior and Albion Inferior. To the south, the Austarion Colony was built, and resort towns built in their client state of Kernow. The Goosling also appeared in the southern provinces of the Marcian empire, this saw an increase in a large reformation within the Goose God religion.   The south during this time was a divided state, but in the 1890s fleeing humans from the wastelands of the Great Steppes began to form kingdoms in the regions closest the to steppe, overthrowing the governments there. These refugees formed what they clamed to be the Rexian successor state, The Vandalarggian Dynasty. The Dynasty took control of much of the southern states, those that were not claimed willingly joined the Marcian Empire.   The North was heavily divided, Tumbria and Dragonborn raiders claimed the coasts of the Vale, pushing the Moon Elves into their mountain homelands. Whilst the Dwarves remained divided, at least until the Marcians arrived and began invading certain cities. Many cities welcomed the Marcians, and willing joined their new province of Dwarvia. They saw a united dwarven state as a priority, even if it was under the control of humans.   The East remained largely stagnate. The Sargonic cultures began to battle for territory, with this lack of unity being exploited by their neighbours who utlilised this weakness as an oppertunity for raids and attacks. The Human and Half-Elf population of this time continued to expand, ecclipsing the continuously declining sand-elf population. The Wastelands of the Heart of the Continent began to calm, as for the first time in generations the death to birth rate stabilised.   The Marcian's entered their Golden Age with the Janusian Dynasty from 1945-2041. The Janusians stablised the empire, no further growth occured during this period, other than small colonies in Tumbria, Gwenydd, and Kernow. The Empire built impressive monuments and expanded their cities, whilst building defences along their border. Their only rivals were the Vandalarggian Dynasty, and numerous wars were waged between the two empires, mostly leading to stalemate.   The Marcian decline began in 2041, when the philosopher king Lucius died with no heir. This started a 16 year peiod known as the crisis. The emperors of the crisis were from various backgrounds, and the period was through with civil war and external hostility. A two year period of harsh winters and summers in the 2040s saw Tumbrian and Gwenyddian raiders take swathes of territory throughout Albion, whilst the Vandalarggian dynasty took control of the empires southern provinces. The closest thing to stability during this was during Emperor Tyrannus, who ruled with an iron fist and managed to retake their lost land in Albion, and part of their territory within the south, however his scuccessors quickly lost the territory again, and never managed to truly recover.   By the end of the crisis, the Empire was significantly weakened. The Marcians had lost significant population, and their infrastructure and organization was crippled. The closest thing to stability the empire was saw the growth of the freofmed Goose Religion, with the Marcians building the Grand Basillica in their capital of Neapia.   The Vandalarggian dynasty used the weakness of their neighbours to expand, and freqently attacked the Marcian interior. This saw the capture of Emperor Garatus, who was taken to New Rexia and publically tortured and humiliated, allegedly living the rest of his life in the Vandalarggian Dynasty as a eunuch. The aftermath of his death saw much of Albion resettled by Gwenyddian raiders, especially in Southaxe and Faineshire.   The successsor dynasty of the Castians saw much reform again, with a restructuring of the empire, a curtaliing of the imperial governor's powers, and a long standing peace treaty with the Vandalarggians. Alongside this, the Grand Basillica was expanded and numerous religious buildings constructed across the empire. Castus the Great was considered the last strong Marcian Empire, and after his death the empire soon began a quick a collapse. The Castian Plague of his successor, swept the western lands, from Marcia to the Vandalarggian dynasty.   The Vandalarggian dynasty quickly collapsed, their captured people revolting and the ruling dynasty overthrown. The South once again broke into independent states, with teh succesor Gorginidd Dynasty taken control of the rump state left around New Rexia. The Marcians were forced to withdraw from Dwarvia, leaving it is a still united but independent kingdom, whilst their control of Albion began to fail.   The decline continued, with Aedrinarans invading Tumbria, forcing their people eastwards into Northern Albion, and pushing Albionic, Aedrinarian, Gwenyddian, and Kernowian raiders southwards, even striking into the heart of the Marcia. In 2113, the last Marcian Emperor Janus II Dariscian was deposed as Aedrinarian raiders took control of Neapia.   The end of the Marcian Empire saw their former provinces occupied by hostile enemies. West Marcia began the Aedrinarric kingdom of Norvjold, the East began the Tumbric kingdom of Marchsland, and Albion was split into four, the Tumbric staRt of Nothrenheim in the North, Fainshire in the west, and Avalor and Halshire in the east.   The South was in disarray, with the various states desperatly trying to vie for power. The growing threat was coming from the Seldrinar Elves, who under years of Vandallargian oppression had embraced the Dark Seldarine, seeing themselves as the true superiors of the world and seeking to bring an Elven Domination of the west.   During this time, far removed from the chaos in the wests, the humans of the Sargonic kingdoms had suffered only one major war. The River War saw the kingdom of Cyrene become the rulers of all Sargon, and once their defences were reinforced, the Sultans of Cyrene saw the expand the academic and magical instututions of his new country, starting the Age of Wisdom in Sargon.  

Dark Ages (2113-2300)

The Dark ages primarily refers to the North, West, and South of Prima Terra. The East was flourising through Sargon acting as a hub of trade, culture, and knowledge. The age is named as such for the complete collapse of institutions and civilization seen throughout the former Marcian and Valalarggian empires.   The West was a lose group of kingdoms and states, with the post-Marcian kingdoms holding dome control until the 2190s, when a second wave of Aedrinarian invasions began. Here all of Tumbria was conquered fully, along with much of Albion outside of the regions of Faineshire, which was de jure part of Gwenydd, and Halshire. To the North, the Dwarves took much of the hilly and mountainous regions. This saw the formation of the Aedrinarian kingdoms of Ablion, ending Albionic culture forever. These kingdoms were Middleaxe, Westaxe, Southaxe, and Eastaxe.   The age of Aedrinarians ended in 2203, with a renewed war with the Ice Elves and Jotun and their gravelkind form of succession quickly saw their centralised empire collapse in on itself. West Marcia regained indepdence as several states, namely the Goose States lead by the High Father of the Goose Church. East Marcia rose as united kingdom, united by its chivalric code.   The South was being quickly swallowed by the rising Seldrinar Supremacy, and the only state that was withstanding them fully were the New Rexians. The Dark ages were a constant state of war for the south, with the autocratic Elves taking large swatches of land and toppling kingdoms constantly.   The North saw Dwarvia cement their power as a united kingdom, whilst the Moon Elves remained secluded intheir mountains. The Dragonborn of the Crag began to reform from an anarchistic to synarchistic state, with selected communes begining to run ever larger regions of their frosty homeland.   The Dark Ages ultimately ended with Doctrine of Education from High Father seeing monastic and clerical academies founded across the western world. This saw an increase in written records and chronicles, and the growing centralisation of the new human kingdoms.

Late Second Age (2300-2577)

The West has suffered its first catesthrophic collapse since the fall of the Western Sun Elves, but unlike the previous collapse, this time the people of the West were quick and adaptive. They began to rebuild quickly and form new political entities. This was most notable in Tumbria, which formed the Holy Tumbric Empire, a theocratic confederacy of small states and princedoms. The only state in the west which remained strictly tribal was the Gwenyddians, who continued their existence as they had for millenia.   The South continued to lose states to the rising Seldrinar Supremacy, as their constant state of war saw a wide exodus of southerners into the Marcian lands. The Goose Church allowed fleeing southern residents to build homes in the south of Marcia in their holy land, especially populations of humans and gnomes. This angered the Seldrinar Supremacy, who moved north and invaded the state. This caused the Goose Father to call for a Crusade, where the united kingdoms of the Goose God rallied armies and marched on the Seldrinar. The First Crusade lasted for 7 years, and ended with a stalemate. The Holy Land was formed by crusaders as the state was divided, and the Supremacy continued to hold onto the half they conquered.   The 2400s saw the major powers being the Kingdom of East Marcia and the Goose States. They held stability and saw a growth in their population and infrasctrucutre. The North saw the Dwarves begin to decline, this saw the second crusade called to liberate their territories in the northern human lands. This saw the birth of the Kingdom of the Northing, begining the period of the Heptarchy.   The Heptarchy were in constant states of competing influence over each other. Most notably the large and powerful kingdom of Westaxe, the southern trading kingdom of Southaxe, and the Eastern agricutlural hub of Eastaxe. They would vie for influence and control over the other countires, being so distracted with their internal conflicts outside of crusading they would leave their rivals around them unchecked.   Kernow saw a period of stability, fending off Aedrinaric raiders and becoming a hub of learning in the western world. Its close ties to the Marcian kingdoms saw them responsible for funding crusades and sending mercanary bands to battle the Seldrinar during crusades.   This growth in the west however wasn't met in the east, the kingdom of Cyrene had began to grow decadent. Their centuries of peace and growth saw an elite ruling class begin to become detached from their general population, and small pockets of revolt broke out. This was increased further by a massive volcanic erruption in the Orcish Peninsula, which saw the tempreture drop and the delicate ecosystem of the desert massively damanged.   The final two centuries of the Second Age saw further crusades against the Seldrinar, with the third crusade acheiving the renuifcation of southern Marcia, birthing the Gosca state, a kingdom led by the Knights of Gosca who established extensive defences on their southern border with the Seldrinar.   In the city of Falzeno, in the year of 2577, the Great Awakening occured. This began a period of technological, philiosophical, and cultural growth. The Goose Father upon seeing these technological developments, declared the Second Age at an end, the Third age to have begun.  

Cultural Impact

The Second Age was a tumultuous period in the world. It saw the rise and fall of multiple empires. Unlike other ages, no single empire was able to unite the continent or enjoy a prolonged period of peace. Professor Sal Azzir, the pre-eminent expert on the Second Age, equated this to how the Second Age was dominated by humans.  
"The Second Age lacked the unity the previous ages had given the world. There was no single uniting empire, no single antagonist which saw its downfall, and it suffered multiple catestrophic events and collapses. This can be put down to how the dominant race of this period was humanity. Humans are short lived, and within ten generations their kingdoms and empires tend to collapse. Compare this to the empires of the Giants during the Mythic Age, or the Elves during the First Age. Their long lives ensured their empires and rule could extend, and decline took far longer to culminate in collapse."
  • Professor Sal Azzir, 'A treatise on the Second Age, vol III.' (3a, 802)
  • The Second age had numerous impacts on Prima Terra. The destruction of the Heart of the Continent persits to this day, and the magical essences were destroyed and deterioriated. This led to the dependence on magic decreasing, and more scientifically based inventions being constructued. This is led the Awakening, and a complete change in the culture and structure of civilization.   The Second Age saw humans become the dominant race, rivaled only by the orcs in the east, and the elves to the south. The lingering effects of the fallen Rexian and Marcian empires impacts contemporary states, who seek to live up to the glory their precursers acheived.


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