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Seldarine of the Moon Elves

The Seladrine is the divine pantheon of the elven race, and has been since the Mythic Age. Its structure has varied across the ages and as the Elven races have divided. The Moon Elf Seladrine is a reformed version of the original Elven pantheon and originated in the earlt Second Age. The religion is polytheyistic and unorganized, with no central religious figure. Rather individual temples function indepdently of each other.   The Moon Elf pantheon splits the Seldarine into four principal sections of dinvity based on their importance to the Moon Elf environment and cultural beliefs. This originated within spirtual teachings in the Late First Age and early second age. This came as the culture moved away from The Moon Kingdom's warlike society and towards a greater focus on spiritualism and pacifism.  

Eternal Twelve

The eternal twelve are the dieties most associated with peace and the Moon Elves. They are the gods that have the most relevance to not just the Moon Elf belief's, but their environment within the Vale as well. They are the most widely worshipped gods, with at least one temple or shrine in every major city, and several wayshrines scattered throughout the mountainous terrain of the Vale.
Diety Allignment Provinces Domains Common Symbol
Aerdrie Faenya CG Air, rain, fertility, birth Life, Tempest, Trickery Bird silhouetted against a cloud
Alobal Lorgiril CG Revelry, mirth Life, trickery Wine Glass
Araleth Lethernil CG Light, stars, revelations Knowledge, Light Staff of light
Corellon Larethian CG Father of the Elves Life, Light, War Quater moon, or starburst
Deep Sashelas CG Creativity, knowledge, sea Knowedge, Nature, Tempest Dolphin
Labelas Enoreth CG Time, history, memory Arcana, Knowledge, Life Setting Sun
Naralis Analor NG Healing, suffering, death Life, Grave White dove
Rellavar Danuvien NG Winter, harsh weather, Tempest Spear between two circles
Sehanine Moonbow CG Dreams, death, travel Grave, Knowledge, Light Full moon under a rainbow
Solonor Thelandira CG Archery, hunting, survival Nature, War Silver Arrow with a green fletching
Tarsellis Meunniduin CG Mountains, rivers, wild places Nature, Tempest Mountain with a river
Zandilar CN Romance, list, Dance Life Lips
Aerdire Faenya is considered the mother goddess of the Vale. Festivals of love and romance are thrown in her honour throughout the Vale, and her shrines are most commonly visited by pregnant women and farmers. Alobal Lorgiril is the most rebellious of the gods. His clerics will spend their days preaching and nights drinking and partying in taverns. He is assocaited with fun and carefree living, and although that may not always align with the most spiritual of the Moon Elves, his presence in the Eternal Twelve is greatly appreciated by the general population. Araleth Lethernil being the god of revelations is revered by the Elves, however, their temples are rarely found within cities. Instead, their temples lie high on mountain tops, doubling as observatories and oracles. Corellon Larethian, father of the Elves and the most important God in their pantheon. He is revered universally, and is the most important part of the Dawnic Scriptures. His temples are traditional affairs, with regular meetings and ritual around reading passages from the scriptures. Deep Sashelas is a popular God amongst the Moon Elves, and has distant temples on remote islands. He is revered by creatives, and will have at least one temple in every city. Labelas Enoreth is one of the two most important Gods when it comes to the end of an Elf's life. Funeral rites are done in the honour of Labelas, and her most devout followers fill their shrines and temples with collected lore and information from around the world, often chronciling the lives of prominent elves and storing them. Naralis Analor is the Goddess most associated with the clerics and healers of the Vale. Elves are rarely sick, however they will send missions of clerics to human settlements suffering from plague in order to help cure others. They rely on donations and charity, and act as the second God of the funeral rites. Rellavar Danuvien is the God most relevant to the Vale. The Moon Elves built their cities in the cold mountain ranges, and winter can be a harsh time for even the hardiest of Elves. At the end of summer, a fest is dedicated to Rellavar to try and ensure an easy winter, and at the height of winter it is believed Rellavar sends angels to give presents to Elven children. Sehanie Moonbow is a mysterious goddess. Associated with cults who will inhale incense to endue dreamscapes, it is beleived she gives knowledge and foresight through dreams and visions. Solonor Thelandira is most commonly worshipped in small rural communities, with simple wooden temples found in rural villages. It is a common ritual to read from the Scriptures and make an offering at their altar's before embarking on hunts. Tarsellis Meunniduin holds and important spiritual relevance in the mountain cities of the Vale, regular worship and ceremony is held at their temples throughout the year, and hermits will often errect shrines to them in the most wild of places within the Vale. Zandilir is the God associated with love and romance. Bards will medidate in his temples when writing odes, and those temples are often lively places for courting, marriage, and music. Single elves on the look for a partner will often where a symbol of Zanidilir on their clothing.  

The Mage's Five

The Mage's five, although generally revered, are most commonly worshipped by the mage's schools and guilds throughout the vale. Within cities and at key magical points, some temples and wayshrines can be found.  
Diety Allignment Provinces Domains Common Symbol
Angharradh CG Wisdown, growth, protection Knowlegde, Life, War Three interlocking circles
Alathrien Druanna N Runes, Writing, Spellcasting Arcana, Knoweldge A Quill
Kirith Sotheril NG Diviniation, Illusion, Knowledge, Trickery A Rainbow Sphere
Mythrien Sarath CG Abjuration, mythals Arcana, Forge, Knowledge A row of intertwined rings
Ye' Cind CG Music, Enchantment Life, Trickery Recorder
Angharradh is seen as the most important god to most spellcasters, and many Moon Elves will spend years meditating within magical shrines to try and unlock any of the secrets he holds. Alathrein Druanna is the Goddess most associated with young elves who seek to become wizards. Many Elven students of magic will wear amulets dedicated to her around their necks as a sign of their status. Many of her temples are infact large libraries full of magical tomes. Kirith Sotheril is a mysterious God, his shrines are often hidden and his cults are secretive groups hiden throughout cities. His worship is kept very secret, and those that follow him have secret handshakes with each other in order for indetification. To join a cult of Kirith Sotheril is a difficult feat, and more often people are chosen by the Elders of his shrines. Mythrein Sarath is a commonly followed goddess populat with storytellers and mages alike. Her shrines are simple affairs, and people will often leave tributes of small stories and poems. Ye' Cind is considered to be the most improtant diety of Elven Bards, and his symbol is often found around the numerous bard colleges throughout the Vale.  

Other Gods

Their are twelve other members of the Seladrine which are less commonly worshipped, but still revered as important gods. Their temples will be scant and scattered, but there will usually be shrines to them in most cities. Usually more dedicated to specifics less important to the general population, they are sometimes considered less dieties.  
Diety Allignment Provinces Domain Common Symbol
Darahl Tilvenar LN Fire, earth, metalwork Fore, Light Flame between hands
Elebrin Liothiel CG Abudance, gardens, the harvest Life, Nature Acron
Erevan Ilesere CG Mischief, change Trickery Asymmetrical sunburst
Fenmarel Mestarine CN Solitude, outcasts Nature, Trickery Two peering elven eyes
Gadhelyn CN Independence, outlawry Nature, Trickery Leaf-shaped arrowhead
Hanali Celanil CG Love, beauty, the arts Life Golden heart
Melira Taralen CG Poetry, songs Knowledge, Life, Trickery Lute
Rillifane Rallathil CG Nature, beasts, the seasons Nature Oak
Sarula Iliene CG Lakes, streams Tempest, Trickery Three lines resembling wave
Darahl Tilvenar is an important god for the miners and smiths of the Vale. They most commonly have shrines in small stone rings in forests run by druids, and will have some form of temple in mining settlements and in large smithing areas, but is generally less worshipped by the rest of the population. Elebrin Liothiel is considered a second to Corellon, but will have simple temples in farming settlements. Some parks will be dedicated to them. Erevan Ilesere is considered a meddlesome God. They have no public temples or shrines, but instead has wondering clerics who spread mischief throughout the land. Most often worshipped by travelling Elves outside the Vale who dedicate their travels to them. Fenmarel Mestarine is the Gode of hermits and those exiled from society. Elves who are in spiritual crisis will retreat to shrines and temples in remote places to medidate under their guidance before returning to societies. Fenmarel is also associated with a thieves guild. Gadhelyn is the God of rouges and rangers who shun the spiritualism of the Vale. They are rarely worshipped within the Vale itself, but their tales of adventure from the Scriptures are often read to Elven children. Hanali Celanil, a lesser envoked goddess of the arts. Their shared domains with Deep Sashelas and Corellon mean they are rarely worshipped by most the population. They still hold significance and will often have shrines in Deep Sashelas's temples. Melira Taralen is often envoked by bards, and has a shared worship with Zandilir. Rillifane Rallathil is most often worshipped by rangers and hunters, and will have small shrines in rural villages. Sarula Iliene is appreciated and prayed too during droughts, they will have wayshrines by most bridges where coins are tossed into a fountain.  

The Forsaken Three

The Forsaken Three are the three dieties the Moon Elves are banned from worshipping. Their existence is acknoweldged and theri divine status respected, but no Moon Elf can socially worship them. This is due to their associations with war and violence, traits long abanonded by the Moon Elves.
Diety Allignment Provinces Domains Common Symbol
Shevarash CN Vengeance, loss, hatred War Broken arrow over a tear
Tethrin Veralde NG Battle, sword fighting War Crossed swords beneath a quater moon and above a full moon
Vandria Gilmadirth LN War, grief, justice, vigilance Grave, War Weeping Eye
Shevarash is the most destested of these gods. The raw emotions of hatred and vengeance are forbidden emotions Moon Elves are taught to purge from themselves from an early age. Those that have experienced great loss will sometimes turn to this god. Tethrin Veralde is often secretly worshipped by fighters guilds, who will operate in secret throughout the Vale. Vandria Gilmadrith is sometimes utilised by those seeking justice, and those secret orders who seek to protect the Elven cities, yet their association with war makes them a banned God.


The Moon Elf deviation from the traditonial Seldarine began during the Pacificst movement of the First Age. As more and more Elves turned away from violence, their culture and religion began to change around them. The Forsaken three were most associated with teh Militarist faction, and as such their worship virtually died out.
Religious, Sect


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