Electroplaques - 2 Condition in Primal Dawn | World Anvil
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Electroplaques - 2

Value: 2 GP
You have special electroplaques in your hands, so you can release an electric shock through them, similar to a taser weapon.
When you use this, you must first decide how many Energy Points will you invest in your attack. If your victim succumbs to the discharge, you will cause 1 Fatigue level for every 2 energy points you invest. You can invest up to 4 energy points in a single use, without ill effects to you. But you can also decide to invest up to 10 energy points in the attack, but this will cause you 1 Fatigue level for every 2 energy points you invest above 4.
You can release the discharge with a single touch, along with a punch, or through an entirely metallic weapon. You can also trick someone into shaking hands with you. If you opt to release your power through an attack, you can decide whether or not to use the power once the attack hits the target, and it doesn't matter what happens in the damage roll.
If the contact is made, and the discharge is released, the target must roll Vigor alone, with a difficulty of 6, and the results depend on the victim's roll:
  • Critical Failure - The target suffers as 1 Fatigue level for every energy point you spend in the attack. If the target is not Incapacitated, becomes Stunned.
  • Failure - The target suffers as 1 Fatigue level for each 2 energy points you spend in the attack. If the target is not Incapacitated, becomes Stunned.
  • Partial Success - The target suffers half the Fatigue points he would have sufffered with a failed roll, rounded down, and he doesn't become Stunned. He may still become incapacitated, though, depending on his Fatigue.
  • Success - The target is Shaken.
  • Raises - Somehow the target manages to endure the shock and kept on going.
You can use this twice a day at most, and beware how much energy you spend on this, you may fall prey to starvation.
This may have other practical applications, such as charging batteries (when such tech is available).
Chronic, Acquired & Congenital

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