Healer Profession in Primal Dawn | World Anvil
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In the Afterfall, life is fleeting and fragile. A little dispute and you can end up with a mouthful of blood and your guts in the mud. The climate is harsh and extreme, the nature is outright deadly, the wastelands are full of hazards, and plague and disease decimate towns once and again.
Healers are the doctors of the Afterfall, and they are in great demand.
They have managed to preserve fragments of the knowledge of the ancients. For example, they broadly know what's the purpose of each organ and they vaguely know how they work, they know that many diseases are caused by micros, that living beings have genes that are passed on and make them be like they are, and stuff like that.
Healers try to fill their many knowledge gaps by dissecting animals, human corpses, experimenting on the hopeless, and with a shameful amount of wild guessing.
If you call for a Healer, you know that if you die, your corpse may end as her freakshow toy. All the knowledge they have inherited and re-discovered is usually hindered by the lack of proper hardware and medicine.
Hence, they usually cultivate relationships with Scavengers, Tinkers and especially Naturemasters.
Many Healers are genuinely concerned for the well-being of their patients and hold human life in the highest value, however, there are many others that do it only amass wealth and power, while others have grown jaded and unfeeling, after seeing so many people die in the most horrible ways. The latter tend to either take life and death with a morbid sense of humor, or develop a demeanor as cold as the Grim Reaper's.

  Special Skill: None

  • Disease Expert
  • Surgeon
  • Researcher
  • Clothes: Bloodstained, Rather Clean, Once white.
  • Face: Gentle, Bald, Smiling, Hardened, Wrinkled, Reddish.
  • Eyes: Keen, Intelligent, Warm, Dead, Insensitive, Tired.
  • Body: Average, Slim, Bulky, Fat.
Drives:   Edges:
On character creation, choose two: Relationships:
You must state relationships with other characters.
  • One of them is a childhood friend, although life made you take different paths.
  • One of them saved you from a tribe of cannibals.
  • You miraculosly saved one of them from a deadly wound.
  • One of them keeps an awful secret of yours... What is it about? Why does he keep the secret?
  • One of them helped you save someone dear to you.
  • One of them sells you supplies.
  • One of them reassured you in a dark moment of deep despair. What
  Starting Gear:
  • 248 Barter.
  • 1 dagger.
  • 1 hand crossbow.
  • 1 rope.
  • 2 days worth of dry rations.
  • 1 waterskin.
  • 1 Surgeon's Kit (bandages, needle, thread, scalpel, forceps, saw (everything boiled), alcohol, etc.)
  • 2 doses of anti-micro potions.
  • 2 doses of wound healing potions.
  • 2 doses of strong pain-killer.
  • 1 oil lamp.
  • 2 candles.
  • 1 oil vial.
  • 1 Flint and tinder.
  • 1 mule and a cart as ambulance.
  • 1 small house inside the settlement's defenses, and a small infirmary next to it.
You are probably not very good with people, or not very good at fighting.

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