Cilia (Silia)

A moderately sized conifer that lives in dry lands, but is close to sources of water. The plant is essential to the people of the Dakhm Empiresince it is a source of Flax, which is both used for making clothes, and for combining with latex to make binding agents.

Basic Information


This moderately sized tree has evergreen conifer leaves, that are almost needle-like in shape (think olive leaves but thinner). The trees grow flowers of light blue coloration during parts of the year, usually beginning around four years after first being planted.

Genetics and Reproduction

The tree requires outside help to spread its seeds, either making use of small insects, such as bees or humanoids to plant.

Growth Rate & Stages

The tree slowly grows after being planted for around the period of four years, when it starts flowering. After this, it continues to grow for another four years, whilst making flowers once every year. After this, the tree reaches its mature stage of around 1,7 meters tall.

Ecology and Habitats

The trees prefer a temperate but warm habitat, with it enjoying more dry land. This makes it a common find around an oasis in the desert, where it has a source of water nearby, but without steady rainfall.

Biological Cycle

The tree is coniferous and does not let its leaves fall, but it flowers once a year, in a periodical cycle, beginning four years after being planted. Because the tree usually doesn't rely on seasons for its flowering, it is easy to periodically harvest a large number of trees throughout the entire year, if planted and handled correctly.
Scientific Name
Linum Viridius
Conservation Status
Many of the trees are carefully managed and harvested as a source of flax, within the Dakhm Empire.


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