Gehenna (/gɛˈhɛnnɑː/ ge-HEN-na or: /gɛˈhɛnə/ ge-HEN-uh)

The Bleak Eternity of Gehenna was an Outer Plane representing alignments between neutral evil and lawful evil.  
Life is an exercise in will. Now hold still while I exercise mine.
— A student of Gehenna's lessons
  The four layers of Gehenna were infinite planes with gravity at a forty-five degree angle to the ground, making travelers feel as if they were on the side of a mountain with no base or peak. Anyone losing their footing could tumble for miles/kilometers before finding enough purchase on the slope to halt their fall. Nearly all terrain that was not a river of water or lava was slightly slippery to quite slick. All structures were either built onto or carved into the slopes. Heat and light came from the ground, much like Carceri, but the source was volcanic: lava flows, vents, fumaroles, and mud pots were very common. Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occurred often, tearing the land apart.  


Khalas - Gentle Land
The uppermost layer, Khalas, was the most livable of the four planes with many waterfalls cascading down the slopes, the largest being the river Styx. The Styx followed a rough path down the slope, fell for thousands of feet/meters, ran through twisty rapids before finally disappearing into underground passages. Steam rose into the infinite and empty black sky making the horizon glow a dull red.
Chamada - Molten
The second layer of Gehenna was the most violently active layer with lava cascades thousands of miles/kilometers wide and city-sized volcanoes yawning open on the slopes. The air was foul with acrid smoke for 10 miles (16 kilometers) above the surface and below ground the air was fresher but stank of burning flesh and hair.
Mungoth - Burning Ice
Mungoth was a land of falling ash and burning snow. The furnaces of this layer were fewer and farther apart, allowing ice and snow to build up in the darker places between active areas. Travelers had to brave the never-ending avalanches of wet snow and fiery rock.
Krangath - Dead Furnace
The fourth layer was devoid of any volcanic activity, even underground. All was dark and cold.


The only creatures known to be native to this plane were the barghests, running through the rifts of Khalas and occasionally found in smaller number on the other layers, and the pyroclastic dragons. All the other creatures originally came from the adjacent lower planes, mostly to hide from more powerful beings that wished to enslave them.
Color Pools
Ethereal Curtains
Bright Red
Tuning Fork
Iron, F
Shape and Size
Objective directional: at a 45° angle to the level of the ground
Dimensional plane


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