
COS-U011, called Cyber-Earth (or Earth-11) for the resemblance to the cyberpunk genre of science fiction, the Earth in this universe featured highly advance technology with organic interface being the norm. Some researchers consider this an “alternate timeline” but that term, by definition, describes a parallel. This universe, or timeline, was home to the sorceress Blaise.  

The Magi Wars Future

by Brannon Boren
Within several decades from the present, the Earth enters a section of space that is shielded from the galactic core by a thick nebula some thousands of light years away. This radiation reduction results in a great, reduction in the number of mutations occurring in normal humans. The result is that the number of mutant superheroes and villains drops sharply. They, however are not the only ones affected. The high mutation potential is also responsible for many "altered human" heroes. Without that inherent mutation potential, radiation accidents result not in superbeings, but in dead scientists.   One set of powerful individuals seem to be unaffected however, the Homo Magi. A special research team from several corporations and the US government, decides to find out just where the Homo Magi are hiding out. Armed with the very latest in special heavy weapons technology, they raid a small community in Oregon and capture a large number of "subversives", including their intended targets, the coven's children. Drug therapy and special implants allow the Executives to control the survivors and threats against the young keep others in line. A small resistance movement is started by some former superheroes, but the Executive Control's plans are not seriously hampered by the fledgling group.   Homo Magi are a valuable commodity, as they now seem to have a corner on the "physics defying" market. Breeding programs keep the Executive Control supplied with pliant and powerful servants. Genealogy seems to play a role in the working potential of Magic, so children of the more powerful magicians are given more training and "bonded" to Executives of higher position. As Technology and Magic are explored and developed, a special control implant is developed. The special circuits can be magically bonded to an individual to literally become part of the nervous system, and effectively irremovable. The implant can cause pain or immobilize the Magi. Some implants are rumored to exist that can kill the Magi at full power. Because of their magical nature, any attempt to remove it magically can prove disastrous.   Although they are effectively slaves, Homo Magi still have some semblance of independent organization, as far as it is necessary for the teaching of magic. High Rituals are brought back from obscurity as the Magi try to separate their ways from those of Sapiens. Magi creches are established in the more powerful Executive Conglomerates, each Magi respecting the one above, and all fearful and obedient to the Executive. As each Magi is judged to have reached full potential, he or she is "bonded" to a person of the Executive's choice. Like racehorses,, Genealogy plays an important role in how much status a bonding conveys. Subordinate executives all want the Executive to gift them with his High Magi's offspring, as the child's potential for magic will be much higher. No Magi in Executive control has been able to attain the levels of power- exhibited by some heroes of the past. Magic is a spiritual pursuit; good slaves don't have much spirit.   A definite layering of society settles into place', with the Executive Control firmly in control of the soon to be abolished governments of the world. The Executives are the kings with high tech courts to rival any ancient dynasty and backed up with the Mystic skills of Ancient times to boot. Homo Magi have status according to their bondholder. A Magi on business of the Executive control could kill a Sapiens interfering in that mission, but better be ready to prove it was necessary. A Magi bonded to a city works department would have no such privilege. These by far make up the majority of Homo Magi. Individuals whose potential has topped out in the low to medium range who are assigned menial work that uses their magic powers to conserve labor and resources. Normal human workers hate and deride Magi because they are the lackeys and the enforcers of the Executive Control.   Magic and technology develop in tandem, each growing more complex and powerful with time and research. All Magi are fitted with control implants at a very young age. A small Magi resistance movement fights to stay alive. Lower level Magi are used by the Executive Control in it's work as magical healers, builders and soldiers. Executive bonded Magi guard their charge, perform intelligence operations, or even duel each other over their bonder's difference of opinion.   Magi are regularly examined for fertility. As often as is medically advisable, the Magi donate eggs or sperm to the frozen stores, to be tested and matched with a suitable counterpart to produce as much magical potential as possible. These genetic articles are openly bought and traded on the market, which is why genealogy is so carefully documented. As a result, very few Magi grow up with their biological parents, although they are aware of their identities. Instead, a crèche system raises each Conglomerate's Magi population until assigned to an Executive.


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