
Multiverse is a term used to describe the entirety of creation. The Multiverse is made up of all universes and parallel dimensions and any other variations. Each universe is different from each other although they may seem very similar while others are extremely different. Every being in every universe has a near or exact twin in another universe with only a few exceptions. There are a few beings that are unique in the Multiverse, these are usually beings of immense power or potential for power. Three such beings are Tyrannon,  Istvatha V’han and Merlinia.   Researchers have developed a cataloging system to differentiate between the known universes. The cataloging designations are only worthwhile in our own dimension as other parallel universes will certainly have their own. The cataloging designation begins COS for cosmological (following physical laws) and U for Universe. As other dimensions and planes of existence are discovered, additional designations (possibly for universes with no recognizable physical laws) would need to be created.


The catalog of known universes, along with a short description of each one, is listed below. Notable parallel universes (or “Earths”) have their own entry in this encyclopedia and are so indicated.
  • COS-UA: Sometimes referred to as Prime Universe or Universe Alpha, this designation is used to indicate our universe and considered a “starting point” for all extra-dimensional research.
  • COS-U001: Colloquially called Earth 2044 (because of the date relative to our time space) the Earth of this universe is recovering from the devastating effects of a third World War in the early years of the 21st century. Due to the differing time flow in this universe, the inhabitants of this world are approximately 47 years ahead of the date in our universe. Special note: one of the few parallel Merlinias (Merlinia 2).
  • COS-U002: Named Earth-2, the Earth of this universe was invaded by the cybernetic race known as the Mechanoids (q.v.) A resistance led by Dark Thunder I and his wife Thundra has nearly driven the Mechanoids off Earth. This Earth is the home of Dark Thunder III (the son of Dark Thunder I) as well as AbM Seeker Pod 129.
  • COS-U003: Called Earth-3 in the popular press, the Earth in this dimension was conquered by a power-mad Merlinia (Merlinia 3 or “evil” Merlinia).
  • COS-U004: Earth in this parallel universe has advanced little passed the age of sail leading it to be nick-named “Pirate Earth”. A parallel Merlinia (Merlinia 4), known as the Sea Witch, is a feared pirate queen.
  • COS-U005: Designated by the press as “Star Reach”, Earth civilization is technologically advanced compared to our world. Earth is the center of an interstellar confederation of myriad alien worlds and colonies. At last check the confederation was in conflict with a destructive alien insectoid race. The pride of the confederation fleet is the CUSS Avenger commanded by Captain Steve Rogers. The science officer, Lt. Fairchild, is cataloged as Merlinia 5.
  • COS-U006: Recently discovered, this universe was dubbed “Tesla-verse”. Here, science and technology is based on the work of Nikola Tesla and resembles the visions of the future from the 1930’s on our Earth. The Avenger known as Captain Astra hails from this world. (Note: a safe method of travel to this dimension has not yet been developed.)
  • COS-U007: The Earth in this dimension is known as Ean to its inhabitants and is home to the powerful humanoids known as the Blood.
  • COS-U008: At first, researchers mistakenly thought that this universe was COS-U001. However, upon further study, dimensionologists determined that this was a very close parallel to COS-U001 and was dubbed Earth 2044-2. The meta-humans Omni-man and Killer Queen (1) have parallels on this Earth.
  • COS-U009: Little is known about this parallel except that it is the home of Kor Hunter, a member of the mystic group the Circle.
  • COS-U010: Debate continues between researchers as to whether or not this universe should be considered a parallel. The Earth in this universe was still embroiled in World War II but the heroes of today were transformed into 1940’s era stylized versions of themselves. This universe, simply dubbed Earth-4, was seemingly “created” by Captain Atlas I (q.v.) using the mysterious artifact known as the Key of Reality when he desired to make the world a “simpler” place. Eventually the Avengers were able to return the world to normal, but the question lingered. Did Captain Atlas actually create a parallel, or did he tap into an already existing parallel? If he did transform our world into this idyllic version of the 1940’s, is it possible that a similar parallel also exists? If Earth-4 does, indeed, turn out to be a parallel then the Merlinia of that world, code named Magica, would be designated Merlinia 6.
  • COS-U011: Called Cyber-Earth for the resemblance to the cyberpunk genre of science fiction, the Earth in this universe featured highly advance technology with organic interface being the norm. Some researchers consider this an “alternate timeline” but that term, by definition, describes a parallel. This universe, or timeline, was home to the sorceress Blaise.
  • COS-U012: On this parallel Earth, the United States never came to be and most technology is based on the application of steam in one form or another. Dress and mannerisms closely follow those of the Victorian era on Earth-Alpha. The Avengers aided the inhabitants of this world defeat a steam-powered Mechanon and his clockwork hoard. (Parallels are designated with “SP” after their name.)


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