Tymon Mazurich

Tymon Mazurich (a.k.a. Timemaster II, Dr. Timothy Masters)

Text by Scott Bennie from Classic Enemies published by Hero Games.   Some adjustments by me.   Another Earth, the mid-21st Century. Tymon Mazurich was born in an era when the wounds of the ancient wars against paranormals had healed. They had healed badly, and the World Council controlled the entire planet. Tymon was a naturally curious child, and despite the scorn of his friends, his inquisitive nature led him to study science, which (due to the effects of past wars) was considered a very shameful activity by the public-at-large.   Tymon was so good at physics and engineering that he was allowed to enter and study with the Scientific Elite, a secret organization set up by the World Council to control all scientific research and advancements. He was brilliant, so brilliant that the scientific establishment stole his work. This embittered him; he saw so much hypocrasy, so much that was wrong with the world. He decided to change it. He joined the Underground, an organization devoted to the destruction of the World Council.   He built a time machine, and journeyed into the past; there were superheroes there, and they could help overthrow the Masters. But he would have to discover a way of finding out the most effective heroes to help in the overthrow. So he became a supervillain — no one knows more about heroes than the villains!   Stranded in the 20th Century, he formed a group called the Alliance of Supervillains, which challenged the mightiest heroes on the planet. It was a highly efficient tool in analyzing these paranormals; but, alas, due to Firewing’s ego, it fell apart. As Timemaster himself had planned.   He now seeks to build a complex, rebuild his time machine, then attract some of earth’s most powerful superheroes into his complex, and take them into the future. There, their sense of virtue and hatred of tyranny will make them invaluable operatives of the Underground. He will live free in a new age of liberty, or die fighting. As will any hero unfortunate enough to be brought along for the ride.

Physical Description

Facial Features

Black moustache

Apparel & Accessories

Timemaster’s battlesuit is deep red metal armor with a transparent face plate.

Specialized Equipment

  • His battlesuit is currently in the PRIMUS "Cold Storage" facility.
  • Timemaster II also has a time machine hidden away.
Current Status
Early 30's
Current Residence
Stronghold Federal Penetentiary
Short, black, straight and a moustache
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white
180 lbs.
Quotes & Catchphrases
“There are two possibilities: you can either surrender, or you will be defeated. It is time to chose your destiny.”


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