Upcoming Game Notes: 6/29/23

Eddie's Tarot Reading Madame Xanadu will draw the following cards in this order and orientation:
  1. The Fool: A stylized image of Eddie wearing the hat, right side up. It represents Eddie as the protagonist in his own journey.
  2. The Magician: A stylized image of Tomasino pointing up with one hand and down with the other and the symbol for infinity above his head. The card is upside down representing unfocused and unmanifested talent. Madame Xanadu warns that should the Magician not be righted, madness may befall him.
  3. Justice: A stylized image of Eddie's stepfather with many eyes behind him. The card is upside down representing the challenge of bias and bigotry he must face.
  4. Strength: A changing stylized image of Hope, Asra, and Cady right side up. Madame Xanadu interprets the card as those near Eddie that represent power, courage and energy. Rely upon them.
  5. The Moon: A stylized image of the blue sphere's the team saw in Texas. The card is right side up indicating hidden enemies, danger, darkness and occult forces. Madame Xanadu advises to be wary.
  6. Wheel of Fortune: A stylized image of Alex, Ken and Angel right side up. Agents of change, luck and superfluity perhaps even destiny.
  7. The World: Madame Xanadu will ask Eddie to draw the final card. It is the Earth, very much like a live image from space, moving with the sun peeking out from a corner of the card. The sun blinds Eddie and when his vision clears, he'll be standing outside the tent he went in to have the reading.


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