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The Tower of Black Flame - Saved by "Black Flame" Report

General Summary

Baelok is immediately attacked by a bulbous maggot-like creature who appears to be dripping some vile green liquid. It hits Baelok and hurts him badly. Having no other choice Baelok falls back to a safer position as Bronan the Wildbearian wades into the fray. Bronan the Wildbearian lands some massive blows against the creature but when he does the poisonous pustules on its back explode covering Bronan the Wildbearian in the foul liquid. After some additional damage from Skar and Zath Sev the creature collapses into a quivering mass of slime and ichor.
  As the rest of the The Bear-Downers rest Bronan the Wildbearian proceeds to unleash his rage on the serpentine throne in the middle of the room. He breaks one, then two of the dark green-black stone fangs from the serpent head on the throne. Feeling satisfied he kicks the throne over on its side as a final insult to the serpent gods.
  Inspecting the throne Skar finds what appears to be a secret compartment in the back. Zath Sev checks it for traps and seeing none open the door to find:
  • six onyx gemstones worth 50gp each
  As The Bear-Downers make their way up the final flight of stairs Zath Sev trigger alarms which cause loud chimes to ring throughout the tower. He looks a little closer and can identify the rest of the trapped stairs. He communicates that info to the rest of The Bear-Downers. After picking the lock on the door to the final room, Bronan the Wildbearian opens the door and walks in.
  • The top floor of the Tower is a square room about 50 feet across. Large windows smudged with the soot of fiery spells or experiments stand in each wall, each covered by heavy wooden shutters. A wooden ladder fixed to the west wall leads up to a trapdoor in the ceiling-the roof, or so you would guess. The trapdoor is secured from below by a heavy bolt.
  • Worktables and shelves are arranged around the perimeter of the room, cluttered with various notes and diagrams on old parchment and a collection of strange powders, flasks, wands, amulets, and other devices of arcane significance. A rather scorched pedestal lectern stands near the center of the chamber. Three skeletal warriors stand motionless in the middle of each wall.
  • Across the room from you is a dark, writhing wall of serpents as high as a tall man's chest. From behind this barrier, a tall, thin, tuft-bearded man in green robes glares coldly at you. He seems to be perhaps thirty years of age, and his scalp is clean-shaven. "Who are you?" he demands, as the serpents hiss and snap in front of him. "Why have you invaded my home?"
This young, tuft-bearded man has a sinuous build with unusually long arms, legs and neck. His scalp is shaven and he dresses in green sorcerer's robes. His name is Kelauklyth. Where his hands would be are now masses of writhing and hissing snakes with bared fangs ready to attack.
  As he was ready and waiting for The Bear-Downers he immediately fires 3 magical snakes which hit Skar, Bronan the Wildbearian and Baelok . As Baelok moves into a better position he catches a glimpse of a woman bound and gagged on the floor. Ignoring the woman for now he sees 3 skeletons advancing on the party. Landing a shot on one he takes up a defensive position against the wall where he ignores the rules of combat by taking a half stance. This could prove to be his undoing.
  Attacks come from all sides: Bronan the Wildbearian attacks the skeletons, Skar sees through the snake wall illusion and lands an axe on Kelauklyth, Zath Sev lands some shots on the skeletons as well. As the battle plays out Bronan the Wildbearian is brought low by a mighty strike from the undead. As he lay dying on the floor he reaches a hand out towards the cat, Black Flame, and then loses consciousness. Black Flame makes its way over to the face of Bronan the Wildbearian where it proceeds to lick Bronan the Wildbearian's face. A second later Bronan the Wildbearian regains consciousness and is able to rise and face his enemies again. The battle rages on as The Bear-Downers face off against Kelauklyth and the skeletons. One of the skeletons falls as Bronan the Wildbearian is knocked unconscious again by a mighty blow. AGAIN the Black Flame revives him only to watch Baelok drop to the ground in front of the girl being held captive. Shaking its head in a display of disbelief the cat, Black Flame, sneaks through the battlefield and revives Baelok . But once the cat is finished helping Baelok he turns to dust.
  As Kelauklyth determines this is battle he cannot win he magically blurs his form, offering some protection as he makes his way to the ladder leading to the roof. On his way he spits acid at The Bear-Downers before being skewered by the arrows of Baelok . Zath Sev then gets an opportunity to sneakily attack the last of the skeletons and with that, the immediate threat is gone.
  Baelok unties the woman and she tells them her name is Naraye. She is the daughter of a wealthy spice merchant here in Quodeth. Zath Sev, having lived here all his life, knows of the man. Naraye offers The Bear-Downers her weight in silver, 10,000 SP, for rescuing her with the condition that they see her delivered to her fathers estate safely. Without hesitation The Bear-Downers agree. Baelok also asks for a memento of hers to prove they rescued her. Naraye agrees and give him a gold clasp in the shape of her family crest.   Searching through the sorcerer's laboratory The Bear-Downers find:
  • six carnelians worth 50gp each
  • an interesting brooch
  • three odd beads
  • a "Deed" to The Tower of Black Flame
  • a key (unlocks all doors in the tower)
  • a Scroll (found by Zath Sev on the roof)
  To complete their quest to enter the BloodMoot the group must bring proof that The Tower of Black Flame has been taken. The Bear-Downers decide that the strange corpse of the foul sorcerer known as Kelauklyth will provide all the proof they need.

Rewards Granted

  • six onyx gemstones worth 50gp each
  • six carnelians worth 50gp each
  • an interesting brooch
  • three odd beads
  • a "Deed" to The Tower of Black Flame
  • a key (unlocks all doors in the tower)
  • a golden clasp belonging to Naraye
  • a Scroll (found by Zath Sev on the roof)

Missions/Quests Completed

The Quest to take The Tower of Black Flame is complete. The Bear-Downers can now enter The BloodMoot.

Character(s) interacted with

Taking Power
Zath Sev
Rogue 2
13 / 13 HP
Bronan the Wildbearian
CN Human (Occult Scientist)
Fighter 2
13 / 13 HP
Report Date
22 Jan 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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