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Ammur, Ammurans

Ammur Barbarians, Ammurans, The Hill-People, the Stone-Carvers, the Eagle People (Small Tribe, pop. 6,700)   The homeland of the Ammur barbarians, Ammurath stretches from the eastern foothills of the Starcrown Mountains to the marsh of Hurth. The Ammurans are a proud, warlike Dhari tribe who live in well-fortified hill-villages, using simple but effective fieldstone walls to guard their holds and high pastures. They are a relatively advanced people with metalworking, agriculture, counting and figures, and a strong oral tradition of tribal law; the chief differences between the Ammurans and their more civilized neighbors are the Ammurans’ lack of a written language and their veneration of nature spirits rather than the gods of civilization. Located more or less between Lomar, Quodeth, and Marg, the Ammurans are frequently wooed by one city-state or another to take sides in their wars. The barbarians have little reason to like any of them: Lomar has tried to conquer Ammurath on two occasions, Quodeth’s naked mercantilism strikes Ammurans as dishonest, and Marg’s slave trading outrages them. Despite this distrust for the ways of civilized lands, hundreds of Ammuran warriors take service as mercenaries in the various armies of the nearby cities, and pride themselves on giving good service for their coin.
  The Ammurans are a clannish barbarian tribe that lives in well-defended hilltop holds among the eastern foothills of the Starcrown Mountains. Authority: Each hold or village has its own head-man.   There is no central authority in Ammurath. NPCs: Ammurans are humans of Dhari descent. They are suspicious of strangers in their lands, but can be firm friends and generous hosts to those who win their respect.       Pyriador Clan Chief Argul Longrunner the a powerful and influential leader.   Belanthe the Beautiful is sometimes called the “Princess of Ammurath.” Daughter of Argul Longrunner. She will bring her father’s clan and its many allies into any marriage, so most Ammuran chiefs and hetmans are trying to present their own sons or brothers as suitors.   Hetman Rarno Redspear is an old, traditional village leader who has his warriors kill or chase off all non-Ammurans wandering into his territory. He wants nothing to do with civilized folk or their wicked ways.   Warthar Snowcloak is an old, widely respected druid who is at least ninety years old but still hale and vigorous. He is one of the Guardians of the Twelve Stones, and watches over a stone circle that stands on a high hilltop deep in Ammurath.   Oakhurst Chief 'lucky' Vurnor, enigmatic middle aged dhari playing all sides at their own game   Olodawl Hold Rarno Redspear, Chief of Olodawl Hold, said to be hostile to outsiders (m)   Rethenna Hold Hill Village Tariss Storm Eagle, Chief of Rethenna Hold, victor over the Golden Ones, eager to fight Lomar (f)     Banutre Pop. c.200 Veetal Statisix is the chief of the village. Middle-aged, big bellied with red hair and pigtails. She is generally reasonable, well-informed, fearless, even-tempered and unambitious. The village strategically placed atop a steep hill is stoutly fortified and surrounded by cunning traps. Well armed warriors patrol the lands surrounding the village and guard the palisade walls. The warriors have bronze weapons and hide armour and shields. Farming implements and tools are also available. (Geetafix the halfelf Druid might have a few potions, if she can be found). The village main trade is wool, there are plenty of sheep.   Taarbo Pop. 150. Large village. Chief Amarla (a wise but cautious old warrior). The villagers Taarbo are great hunters and herders. They usually enjoy a lively trade in musk oxen and the shaggy Kurmanur ponies as well as more exotic beasts for the arena. Silivia the Beastmaster is well known here.   Dryeth Pop 300. Chief Belshirr (Belshirr became chieftain recently when her mother retired). The Ammurath here are on very good terms with Quodeth (they sell a lot of fish in the city). There is a small Quodethi Naval presence in the busy harbour (single banked Liburnian with thirty rowers commanded by Optio Bronn).   Trade: The Ammurans are mostly herdsmen and subsistence farmers, keeping flocks of sheep and goats and raising corn and potatoes. They trade wool, meat, and cheese to the nearby civilized people in exchange for textiles, beads, earthenware, and jewellery.   Concerns: Beastman raids have become more organised and coordinated in the east, at least one hill giant clan has come down from the Kurmanur Wilds.   Settlers from Lomar and Quodeth are encroaching on the frontiers of Ammurath. Some clans are becoming very friendly with the newcomers and adopting more of the trappings of civilization, leading to tensions with more traditional clans. Old serpentman ruins are common in Ammurath, and many of these places still harbour cursed treasures and dark magic.

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