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EQUIPMENT   Thule is a violent land. The great majority of adult Thuleans go about their business armed, if only with a stout club or a good-sized dagger—and they know how to use whatever weapon they carry. Savages or barbarians must be ready for dangerous beasts or enemy tribes at all times, and city-dwellers face the threat of thieves, assassins, or potentially lethal duels even in the heart of the best-defended cities. Because Thule’s peoples range from savages armed with nothing more than Stone Age technology to citizens of ancient civilizations, Thule’s warriors make use of arms and armor not often found in other fantasy settings. Likewise, the sophisticated armour making of high medieval cultures (and the weapons developed to defeat such armour) are generally absent from Thule. The knight in full plate armour on a heavy warhorse simply doesn’t exist in Thule—no one makes fully articulated plate armour, the stirrup hasn’t been invented yet, the couched lance is impossible without the stirrup, and the warhorse itself is a rarity in the primeval continent. The “knight” of Thule is a heavy foot soldier in a bronze breastplate and helm, armed with spear and sword.  
  NEW ARMOR While some types of armour are not available in Thule, the civilizations of the continent have developed some new varieties of armour. In general, Thulean armours tend to leave more of the wearer’s skin uncovered than suits found in more advanced settings. The differences are purely cosmetic.   Bronze Cuirass: The finest armour that is normally available in Thule is the bronze cuirass, sometimes called bronze plate armour. It consists of a snug- fitting sculpted bronze breastplate to cover the torso, a leather skirt or kilt with bronze studs, heavy bronze greaves, shoulder pieces, and a bronze helmet (usually open-faced). It is fitted carefully to the wearer and allows excellent mobility, although for best effect it should be used with a heavy shield. When combined with a heavy shield, the wearer presents his or her enemies with a wall of bronze from head to toe.   Leather Cuirass: A leather cuirass consists of a moulded breastplate of stiff leather, often sculpted with natural-appearing musculature and decorated with gold or silver personal emblems. A short skirt made of weighted straps covers the wearer to the mid-thigh, and a light helmet of boiled leather is included. It protects better than studded leather armour but offers somewhat less mobility.   Mail Cuirass: This is essentially a reinforced chain shirt. The mail is sewn into sturdy leather panels and then shaped carefully to the wearer’s torso, providing a better fit and better mobility than regular chainmail and better protection than a chain shirt. Like the leather cuirass, a mail cuirass usually includes a skirt of weighted leather straps studded with bronze or iron to provide some basic coverage to mid-thigh, as well as a light bronze helm.   Scale Coat: The scale coat is a simple form of scale mail that dispenses with sleeves and leggings, making it relatively simple to manufacture. Heavy scales sewn to a thick coat provide good protection for the torso and the upper legs, while greaves protect the lower legs and shoulder-pieces or vambraces help protect the arms. The scale coat is usually worn with a bronze or iron helmet. It is the heaviest armor commonly available in Thule, and many city guards or soldiers wear armour of this type.  
  NEW WEAPONS   The warriors of Thule wield a great variety of weapons from many different cultural traditions, including a few that are quite rare in other settings.   Chakram: An aerodynamic throwing-ring with an edge of sharpened metal, the chakram is hard to master but deadly in trained hands.   Khopesh: This sickle-shaped blade is heavy and awkward, but its extreme curve allows the wielder to trip opponents. When you attack with a khopesh, you can choose to make a tripping attack. You have tactical disadvantage for the attack, but if you hit, you knock your target prone. You can only trip bipedal foes of Large size or smaller using a khopesh this way.   Mace-Axe: This weapon features a mace-like head with a single axe blade on one side. It is heavy and hard to wield, but delivers a powerful blow. You can choose to deal bludgeoning or slashing damage with a mace-axe. Warspear: This is a short, broad-headed stabbing spear mostly intended for melee combat. It is too short to brace against a charge and can only be thrown a short distance. Warspears are popular among Thule’s jungle tribes.   UNAVAILABLE ARMS AND ARMOR   Some more advanced weapons and types of armour simply haven’t been invented yet in the age of Thule. Check with your Gamemaster before you select any of the items listed below for your character.   Restricted Weapons: Hand crossbow, rapier. Armor: Half-plate, plate, splint. Mounts and Vehicles: Camel, draft horse, sailing ship, warhorse Other: Ball bearings, magnifying glass, piton, spyglass.


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