BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


A narrative is a description of a character’s career, position, or calling in life, another pillar of character identity that helps you tell the character’s story.   Character narrative is also a determinant of your character’s place in the world and how NPCs react to him. An NPC can’t tell if an expert swordsman is a barbarian, fighter, ranger, or rogue just by watching him fight; those terms have little meaning to people in the world. But that same NPC can tell at a glance that a swordsman looks and acts like a nobleman, a pit fighter, a raider from the icy wastes, or a vicious street thug. Like character race, the narrative is a measure of what is observable about your character, and the first impression they make.   A narrative provides your character with a modest set of skill or background bonuses that reflects experience and training. As your name grows and the tales of your deeds spread, you will gain other benefits.   Narratives at a Glance   Narrative Best for . . . Description   Atlantean Noble (Fighter, wizard) Hero from an aristocratic family   Bearer of the Black Book (Sorcerer, warlock, wizard) Master of a legendary artefact   Beastfriend (Barbarian, druid, ranger) Hero with an animal companion   Dhari Hunter (Barbarian, ranger, rogue) Savage-born hunter, tracker, guide   Free Blade (Fighter, rogue) Freebooter or mercenary   Escaped Slave   Golden Sea Corsair (Barbarian, rogue) Bold pirate   Guardian of the Nine (Cleric, druid) Enemy of the Great Old Ones   Ice Reaver (Barbarian, fighter) Berserk warrior from the icy north   Initiate of Mysteries (Cleric) Member of priestly order   Jungle Trader (Bard, rogue) Resourceful explorer and caravan leader   Katagian Pit Fighter (Fighter)Arena fighter or gladiator   Myrmidon (Fighter, ranger) Elite soldier   Occult Scientist (Wizard) Scholar combining magic & weird science   Panjandrum (Cleric, rogue) Judge, agent, or official   Quodethi Thief (Ranger, rogue) Member of a powerful thieves’ guild   Sacred Slayer (Cleric, rogue) Holy assassin   Soothsayer (Cleric, wizard) Seer and adviser   Star-Lore Adept (Warlock, wizard) Dabbler in forbidden lore   Time Lost Traveller   Tribal Outcast (Barbarian, druid, ranger) Wanderer who can’t go home  



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