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Fierce warriors of the northern lands, Nimothans are a people without a homeland. The island of Nimoth now lies under the encroaching glaciers, and for decades the old kingdom of the Nimothan people has been abandoned to the ice. Migrating southward, the Nimothan tribes have carved out new lands for themselves along Thule’s northern coasts in places such as Nim, Rime, and the chiefdoms of the Thousand Teeth with bloody axes and burning brands. A southerly branch of the tribe conquered old Atlantean holdings in southern Thule long ago, and now makes up most of the population of the predatory city of Marg. However, even city-dwelling Nimothans are barbarians at heart, scorning civilization and its decadent ways. Nimothans are tall and strongly built; the average man is more than 6 feet in height, and it’s not unusual for Nimothan women to reach 6 feet as well. They are very fair-skinned, although those who travel extensively in southerly lands can eventually acquire a light tan. Their hair is light brown, blond, or red, and their eyes are usually blue or gray. Nimothan men take pride in growing the largest beard or mustache they can, and both men and women usually braid their hair. Bold, boastful, and given to extravagant gestures, Nimothans laugh loudly, fly into sudden rages, fall into crushing melancholy, or hurl themselves into mad ventures at the blink of an eye. Most other people in Thule are convinced that the Nimothan race is touched by madness. Nimothans are quick to settle differences with contests of strength, fisticuffs, or edged weapons, but they rarely hold grudges for long.  


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