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While the rakshasas may have been driven from the shores of Thule, their magic still remains. The last rakshasas to leave the continent were able to hold off their assailants long enough to put powerful wards upon vaults hiding treasures they were forced to leave behind. Vaults and catacombs beneath the ancient ruins of the rakshasa realm still hold these secrets and treasures, although many have disappeared under the ice.  The secrets of rakshasa magic come to human sages through the efforts of brave scholars or lucky adventurers who stumbled across the ancient vaults of Jhi Anool. These spells are usable by arcane spellcasters, and you use your primary spellcasting ability score to determine the ability modifier for these spells.   ANIMATE BLADES 3rd-level transmutation Casting Time 1 action Components V, S Range 120 feet Duration concentration (up to 1 minute) You animate a number of unattended objects, causing them to levitate in the air and strike at targets you designate of their own accord. Each object must weigh 10 pounds or less, and you can animate a number of objects equal to 2 + your spellcasting ability modifier.  When you cast the spell you can move each controlled object up to 50 feet and make one attack with it. You can concentrate multiple objects on one target or divide the objects among multiple targets.  Weapons you control strike with an attack bonus equal to your spellcasting ability plus your level bonus, and deal normal damage (for example, a dagger strikes for 1d4 piercing damage). Improvised weapons such as fist-sized stones, heavy branches, or even sturdy bottles deal 1d4 bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage as appropriate. If you roll a natural 1 when attacking with a weapon or object in this manner, that object is “dropped” and you can no longer control it with this spell.  As a bonus action in subsequent turns, you can cause the animated objects to move and attack again.  The most common use of animate blade is to animate the daggers and swords of fallen warriors found on a battlefield or in a crypt; hence the name. However, the magic of the spell does not discriminate between blades, cudgels, rocks, or other potential weapons of the right size.  At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, increase the number of objects you animate by 2 for each slot level above 3rd.   BLOODLUST CLOUD 3rd-level enchantment Casting Time 1 action Components V, S, M (a tiny vial of blood) Range 120 feet Duration concentration, up to 1 minute A cloud of red vapors rises at your command in a 20-foot-radius sphere that spreads around corners.  The area within the cloud is heavily obscured, and also obscures darkvision beyond 5 feet. The cloud can be dispersed by a moderate wind.  Any creature below half its maximum hit points that ends its turn in the bloodlust cloud makes a melee attack against a random adjacent creature unless it makes a successful Wisdom save.   DEFY DEATH School 4th-level necromancy Casting Time 1 combat reaction, when you take damage that would reduce you to 0 hit points Components V, S Range self Duration 1 minute/level You gain the ability to temporarily ignore terrible wounds and sustain your life through necromantic means. While this spell is in effect, you do not fall unconscious if you are at 0 hit points, and you do not need to make death saving throws at the start of your turn. You must still make a death saving throw if you take damage while at 0 hit points. You are not killed until you have accumulated 5 failures.   DRAINING MIST 4th-level necromancy Casting Time 1 action Components V, S, M (a leech) Range Self (15-foot-radius sphere) Duration instantaneous You surround yourself with a sinister red mist that drains the life from your foes and feeds it to you. Each target takes 4d8 necrotic damage unless it succeeds on a Constitution save. You gain temporary hit points equal to 5 times the number of targets that take damage from this spell (maximum 25 temporary hit points).  At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d8 and the temporary hit points increase by 1 per target for each slot above 4th.


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