BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Ancient horrors stir in the desolate places of Thule, and in their dreams they reach out to human minds. Even the brightest and most steadfast of these minds can be corrupted through the promise of power, but those who already wield a modicum of magic are especially tempted. Over the centuries, many of the powerful sorcerers and priests of Thule have learned strange new secrets in their dreams. Some of these individuals manage to record their findings on scrolls, walls, or graven tablets before madness overtakes them. These dream-messages then sit, abandoned and alone, until they find a new mind to enter.   GROUP TELEPATHY 3rd-level divination Casting Time 1 action Components S, M (a small seashell) Range 50 feet Duration Concentration You and up to three creatures of your choice within range gain the ability to communicate telepathically over limited distance for a short time. The targeted creatures can communicate regardless of language with any creature within 50 feet. Affected creatures also take a -2 penalty to saving throws against enchantment, charm, or other mind-affecting effects, and have tactical disadvantage against the attacks and abilities of extraterrene creatures.   SUMMON NIGHTGAUNT 4th-level conjuration Casting Time 1 action Components V, S Range 30 feet Duration concentration, up to 1 minute You summon a gargoyle-like creature from another dimension. A nightgaunt appears in an unoccupied space within range. The nightgaunt acts after you on your turn. It follows your direction as long as you are able to provide it. If you voluntarily end your concentration on this spell, the nightgaunt is dismissed and fades away. If, however, your concentration is broken, the nightgaunt remains for 1d4 more rounds and attacks the nearest creature on its turn, preferring you over other targets. Nightgaunt statistics can be found in the Primeval Thule Campaign Guide (chapter 6).   SUMMON MI-GO 5th-level conjuration Casting Time 1 action Components V, S Range 30 feet Duration concentration, up to 1 hour You summon a bizarre winged creature from another dimension. A mi-go appears in an unoccupied space within range. The mi-go acts after you on your turn. It follows your direction as long as you are able to provide it. If you voluntarily end your concentration on this spell, the mi-go is dismissed and fades away. If, however, your concentration is broken, the mi-go remains for 1d4 more rounds and attacks the nearest creature on its turn. If no creature is within reach, it moves its speed to be adjacent to you. Mi-go statistics can be found in the Primeval Thule Campaign Guide (chapter 6).   SUMMON MOON-BEAST 6th-level conjuration Casting Time 1 action Components V, S Range 30 feet Duration concentration, up to 4 hours You summon a massive, bloated, toadlike creature with no visible eyes or ears or mouth, just a mass of tentacles where its snout should be. A moon-beast appears in an unoccupied space within range. The moon-beast acts after you on your turn. It follows your direction as long as you are able to provide it. If you voluntarily end your concentration on this spell, the moon-beast is dismissed and fades away. If, however, your concentration is broken, the moon-beast attacks the nearest creature on its turn, preferring you over other targets, and if no creature is within reach, it moves its speed to be adjacent to you. On each of its turns when not controlled, there is 50% chance that it fades back to the unimaginable horror from whence it came. Moon-beast statistics can be found in the Primeval Thule Campaign Guide (chapter 6).   PNAKOTIC WORD 7th-level enchantment Casting Time 1 action Components V Duration Instantaneous Your utterance of impossible syllables confounds the minds of all enemies within 20 feet of you. Each such enemy with fewer than 100 hit points is affected by confusion, as the spell. At the end of its turn, an affected creature can attempt a Wis save to end the effect, but has tactical disadvantage on the saving throw if another affected creature is within 10 feet.   VISIONS OF MADNESS 7th-level divination Casting Time 1 action Components V, S Range 120 feet Area: 20-ft.-radius spread Duration instantaneous You create a shared vision in the minds of all creatures in a 20-foot radius sphere, showing them all of the horrific possibilities of what should not be. The mental anguish caused by visions of madness deals 8d8 points of psychic damage, and each target is incapacitated for 1 round. A successful Wisdom save halves the damage and negates the incapacitated condition. If all targets of this spell successfully save, then you become incapacitated until the end of your next turn.   SUMMON STAR-THING 8th-level conjuration Casting Time 1 action Components V, S Range 30 feet Duration concentration, up to 4 hours You summon a hulking, 10-foot tall, tentacled biped. A star-thing appears in an unoccupied space within range. The star-thing acts after you on your turn. It follows your direction as long as you are able to provide it. If you voluntarily end your concentration on this spell, the star-thing is dismissed and fades away. If, however, your concentration is broken, the star-thing remains for 1d4 more rounds and attacks the nearest creature on its turn, preferring you over other targets. If no creature is within reach, it moves its speed to be adjacent to you. After that time, the star-thing teleports away, to create mischief of its own while away from its home plane. Star-thing statistics can be found in the Primeval Thule Campaign Guide (chapter 6)  


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