BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


[Cuthu   The Nine Powers are the gods of Thule, but they are not the only gods in Thule. Long before the gods of the human pantheon or even the myriad spirits of the natural world came into existence and assumed their places, primordial powers evil, ancient, inhuman came to the young planet and established their alien dominion. Only the most fearless (or foolhardy) sages study these creatures, but a few terrible names are known.   Cthulhu, The Caller in the Deep Dhuoth, The Giver of Eyes Hastur, The King in Yellow Ithaqua, The Wind-Walker Lorthnu’un, Lord of the Golden Chalice Nyarlathotep, The Crawling Chaos Shub-Niggurath, Black Goat of the Woods Tsathoggua, The Sleeping God Yga-Ygo, The Dweller in Dreams Yog-Sothoth, Opener of the Way   Driven into hibernation in the desolate places of the world or exiled to the far reaches of time and space, the Great Old Ones hunger to return and reclaim what was once theirs. Some who bargain with these beings do so in search of power, some are degenerate tribes that cling to their monstrous gods, and some are vile cultists who pray for the end of all existence. Few indeed dare to name these Other Gods aloud, but that does not mean They are not worshipped. It is better not to pry into these matters, Majesty.


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