Session 2 - Trial Report Report in Primordia | World Anvil
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Session 2 - Trial Report

General Summary

In the quiet twilight, under a starlit sky, the band of heroes, weary from their travels, sought respite in the embrace of night. Alkaid, their vigilant sentinel, gazed upon the world with eyes sharp as falcons. It was she who first noticed the odd trail of footprints, etched silently into the soft earth, veering southward into the unknown.   Eriphise, perturbed by the disturbance to her rest, grudgingly joined the search, her rations in hand as a comfort against the chill night air. The group, more a cacophony of clinking armor than a silent shadow, moved towards the mystery.   A bush, seemingly innocuous, rustled with secrets. Alkaid, with the fire of curiosity burning in her eyes, was moments away from revealing its contents in a blaze, but Eriphise, with her heart entwined with nature, stayed her hand. She had whispered promises to the plants, and she would not see them broken.   Peering into the heart of the bush, Alkaid's gaze found the trembling form of a boy, Kilian, his apprentice robes tattered and worn. The lad's story unfolded like a tragic tapestry; an innocent soul ensnared by an enchantress, ripped from his family, his only companions the arcane arts she begrudgingly taught him. Light, mage armor, charm person, feather fall – these were the spells that danced at his fingertips, a meager arsenal for one so young and burdened.   Alkaid, her instincts honed in a world where trust was a luxury, sought the truth in a manner as sharp as her blade. A small cut, a cry of pain, and the crimson truth flowed from Kilian's hand - he was no undead deception, but a flesh-and-blood boy.   Reia, her heart touched by the child's plight, enveloped him under her protective wing. His spellbook, a labyrinth of strange handwriting, became her new study, while Kilian spoke of a magic born within, a stark contrast to Eriphise's siphoned sorcery. Divine Sense revealed a celestial spark within him, igniting wonder in his eyes at the possibility of divine lineage.   But destiny waits for no one. A cry from the camp tore them from the revelation, leading them to a nightmarish scene. The Flameskull, a fiendish specter of bone and fire, chased poor Tomo through the air. Steel clashed with spectral fury, and in a heroic feat, Reia's blade found its mark, sending the skull careening through a portal to realms unknown.   With the threat vanquished, they fortified their camp, magic and steel warding off the dangers of the night. Dawn greeted them with calm and questions for Kilian, who spoke of dangers lurking to the west and north. With careful consideration, they chose their next path, stepping towards one of the mysterious portals, each step a leap into the unknown.
Enter the Nexus
Eriphise Amberdream
Alkaid Rasalas
Robin Yuri
Report Date
27 Jan 2024


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