Mab "Queen of the Unseelie Court" Character in Primordia | World Anvil
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Mab "Queen of the Unseelie Court"

In the world of the Fey, Mab is revered as the Goddess of the Unseelie Court, feared and respected by all who dare to cross her path. Her regal and imposing presence commands attention, and her icy demeanor strikes fear into the hearts of even the bravest of her subjects. Mab's power is immense, and she is not satisfied with simply ruling over the Unseelie Court. She seeks to expand her influence and exert her control over all the Fey. She is cunning and strategic in her plans, always working behind the scenes to further her ambitions.   Despite her reputation for cruelty, Mab is not without a sense of justice. She abides strictly by the ancient codes and traditions of the Fey, and those who show loyalty and obedience to her are rewarded with great gifts and favors. However, those who cross her are met with swift and merciless punishment.   Mab's appearance is striking, with long, flowing hair as black as ink cascading down her shoulders. Her skin is as smooth and cold as marble, and her eyes, black as the void of space, radiate power and royalty. She is a formidable opponent, and those who dare to challenge her authority often pay a heavy price.   As the Goddess of the Fey, Mab commands a legion of loyal followers who would do anything to please her. She is a force to be reckoned with, a symbol of power and strength in the world of the Fey. Those who are wise enough to show her respect and obedience are rewarded with her favor, while those who seek to challenge her will be met with a swift and terrible end.

Divine Domains

Trickery Domain Arcana Domain Knowledge Domain Darkness


The Shadow Cloak: A cloak made of shadowstuff that allows the wearer to become invisible in the darkness. The Shadow Cloak is said to have been woven by Mab herself, and it grants its wearer the power to slip unnoticed through the shadows.   The Winter's Edge Blade: A sword made of enchanted ice and imbued with the power of winter, the Winter's Edge Blade is said to be Mab's favored weapon. It is said to freeze the blood of its victims and leave them paralyzed with cold.
Current Location
Black as the void of space
with long, flowing hair as black as ink cascading down her shoulders
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Her skin is as smooth and cold as marble

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