Oberon "Elf King" Character in Primordia | World Anvil
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Oberon "Elf King"

Oberon is a tall, regal figure with sharp features and piercing green eyes. He wears a crown of leaves and carries a staff adorned with a glowing crystal. His attire is made of intricately woven vines and leaves, and his movements are graceful and fluid as if he is one with the natural world.   Oberon is a powerful fey creature, with control over nature and the elements. He can summon vines and brambles to ensnare his enemies, call forth gusts of wind to propel himself or allies and command the elements to unleash lightning or rain. He is also a skilled shape-shifter, able to take on the form of any creature or object he desires.   As the king of the Fey, Oberon is highly respected and revered by other elves. He is a wise and just ruler and is known for his generosity and kindness towards his subjects. He is particularly fond of the wild and untamed elves who live in the forests and glades and often spends time among them, sharing stories and teaching them about the mysteries of the natural world. He is also on good terms with the Winter Court, although they have a somewhat frosty relationship due to their conflicting natures.

Divine Domains

Nature Trickery Life
piercing green eyes
Ruled Locations

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