Tatiana "Seelie Queen" Character in Primordia | World Anvil
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Tatiana "Seelie Queen" (Tah-tee-ah-nuh)

Seelie Queen

Tatiana Queen of the Seelie is a powerful and enigmatic figure. She is known for her otherworldly beauty and her cunning intellect. Tatiana is a master of manipulation and diplomacy. She is skilled at reading people's emotions and desires, and she uses this knowledge to her advantage. She is known to be fair and just in her dealings, but she is not above using her powers to bend others to her will. This has earned her the reputation of a capricious and fickle ruler who can be both generous and cruel to her subjects depending on what best suits her goals. When her diplomacy skills fail Tatiana is a skilled magician, and even it is believed she can manipulate time itself. She is also a skilled warrior.   Tatiana has many relationships in the realm, but her most significant relationship is with Oberon, the King of the Seelie Court. They have a complicated relationship, filled with passion, intrigue, jealousy, and rivalry. Due to this their relationship is often fraught with tension and conflict. Despite their differences, they share a deep love and respect for each other even as they struggle to navigate the complex politics of the fae world.   She is often associated with nature, fertility, and the changing of the seasons and is said to have a great deal of influence over the natural world.

Divine Domains

Nature, Life, Trickery


The Mirror of Dreams:  This ornate hand mirror is said to have been gifted to Tatiana by the goddess of dreams. When gazed upon, the viewer is transported into a vivid dream state, where they experience powerful visions of their desires and fears. The Mirror of Dreams can also be used to communicate with other dreamers, and to divine hidden truths and secrets. However, prolonged use of the mirror can lead to dangerous levels of obsession and addiction to the dream state, and the mirror may have dangerous side effects on the psyche of its users.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The Butterfly:  Tatiana is associated with butterflies, which symbolize growth, transformation, and beauty. As such, her coat of arms may feature a butterfly or a swarm of butterflies, which represent the transformative power of nature and the beauty of the fae world.
Current Status
Queen of the Seelie Court
Current Location
She appears as a young woman.
Like the night sky with filled with stars.
Golden waist length hair
Ruled Locations

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