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The Lords Alliance

Written by Pookas Kreations

The Lords are a coalition of rulers from cities, towns, and powerful Merchants across the world. The Alliance was founded with the collective intent that solidarity is needed to keep evil at bay in the defense of civilization and regional financial security. Nobles of Korinmeir, Today Lords can be found as far as the Iron Covenant, Umbria, the Baronies, and even the Lucian Empire as members of the Alliance, and every lord in the Alliance works for the fame and fortune of his or her own settlement above all others.   Originally formed to oppose the growing financial influence of the Lucian Empire to the East, as well as the Dwarven Iron Covenant across the Burning Seas to the South. Members are chosen primarily for their loyalty and are expertise in observation, stealth, innuendo, and combat. Backed by the wealthy and the privileged, they carry fine equipment (often disguised to appear common), including large numbers of scrolls scribed with spells of communication and scrying.
  Agents of the Lords’ Alliance are charged with ensuring the safety and prosperity of their member Lords by standing united against the forces that threaten civilization. They proactively eliminate such threats by any means, fighting with pride for the glory and security of their people, and for the lords who rule over them. However, Alliance operatives are often glory hounds, looking to gain a leg up on their counterparts from other Alliance cities. The leaders of the Alliance know that the order will survive only if its members support each other, requiring a balance between pride and diplomacy. Rogue agents within the Lords’ Alliance are rare, but defections have been known to occur.   The alliance often hires adventurers to work for them, assigning tasks ranging from gathering simple information, or even for use in raids against strongholds and outposts that do not alone with the Alliance's interests. Local adventurers could quickly gain status, as well as powerful friends by helping the Alliance, but can just as easily make enemies of the Alliance if their interests do not align.


Ranks within the Lord's Alliance from the lowest rank to the highest.   Rank
  1. Gentlemen, Gentlewoman
  2. Elderman, Elderwoman
  3. Knight, Lord
  4. Count, Countess
  5. Grand Duke


In order to seek out and destroy threats to their homelands, agents of the Lords’ Alliance must be highly trained at what they do. Few can match their skills in the field. They fight for the glory and the security of their people and for the lords who rule over them, and they do so with pride. However, the Lords’ Alliance can only survive if its members “play nice” with one another, which requires a certain measure of diplomacy.   Beliefs
  • If civilization is to survive, all must unite against the forces that threaten it.
  • Fight for your realm. Only you can bring honor, glory, and prosperity to your lord and homeland.
  • The best defense is a strong offense.

Public Agenda

  • Ensure the safety and prosperity of cities and other settlements.
  • Maintain a strong coalition against the forces of disorder.
  • Proactively eliminate threats to the established powers.
  • Bring honor and glory to one’s leaders and one’s homeland.

For glory! Those whom hath joined together, let no man put asunder! Honor and Glory!

Founding Date
250 PS (Post Sundering)
Political, Faction / Party
Alternative Names
The Lords, The Aliance.

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