Insults Rank/Title in Prisonworld Latebra | World Anvil
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Calling a vespid fat is a far more serious insult than expected. In their society of fair distribution, being called fat would indicate that the vespid has taken more than their share or potentially not worked for the hive at all. Some react very aggressive to being called “fat/Useless traitor”. The exception are The high queen and queens as a healthy and big high queen can lay more eggs and it is considered a compliment to a healthy colony. And having many queens who can take over after a high queen reached her limit is also a sign of prosperity and strength.  
They value tradition and the wisdom behind them. Calling them a "Wet tounge", indicates them being nothing more than a stupid animal in your eyes. While calling them "rabid beasts" is a jab about how they are not really welcome in civilization because of their temper.  
  Opposite to the Ashakir  Orcs, which have build cities, the Krazmeni  still wander the desert and the savannah to sustain their lifestyle. They respect endurance and remember their debts good and bad. If you want to insult a Krazmeni then you just shake his hand while wearing a glove. The Krazmeni consider handshakes as forming a bond between the two people. Wearing gloves is interpreted as "I regret meeting you" or "You're not good enough for me".


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