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Frostbitten Council

The Frostbitten Council is elected every five years from the five regions of Papaver. Two representatives come from each region, and they rule the country from Demetria with an iron fist, as cold as the country itself.


The members of the Frostbitten Council are elected every five years. There is no actual term limit though, so members can be reelected, which often happens. Seniority matters, as those who have been on the council longest have the most authority, and their words hold the most weight.


As to go with the idea of a perfect family, the Frostbitten Council performs acts of service, tries to do away with formality, having no titles or official throne room. The town hall they meet in is a cozy place, and they ask to be addressed as Aunty or Uncle. Still, some call them the cold ones, saying that politics cannot allow empathy to survive.

Public Agenda

The Frostbitten Council seeks to maintain both their relationship with other ocuntries, but also their image both outwardly and inwardly. They portray Papaver, and Demetria specifically as a familial group, and accepting and perfect in every way.


Created only two hundred years after the Call occured, the Frostbitten Council originally consisted of only two people, with them calling on Amrit if they needed a tie breaker. As the territory of Papaver grew so to did the council, but the numbers remained even and the idea of calling on Amrit to break ties remains.


In order to become a member of the Frostbitten Council, not only do the members need to be elected, they need to be approved by Amrit. For this to occur they go to the heart of Demetria and pray for the night to Amrit. If they still live in the morning, they are approved. If they freeze to death, in the middle of the magical oasis, as has happened three times in history, another election is held.
Founding Date
400 A. A.
Court System
Alternative Names
Aunties, Uncles, Cold Ones
Controlled Territories


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