Introduction to Magic
In the world of Arcarain, Magic is the most important things everyone used on anything. From politic, military, to everyday life.
Mainly depended on user's knowledge, the only limitation is imagination.
Five Type of Magics
Black Magic
The oldest type of magic coming from Ildgra, the god race of Arcarain hundreds years ago. It is being used in subconscious level - Everyone can use it but don't know how.
Using too much may eventually corrupt and consume users themselves, either mentally, physically or both. Many wars occured in the past often have such rulers with uncontrollable Black Magic.
Light Magic
Contrast to Black Magic which is based from, Light Magic users always know and learn how it worked and so won't be corrupted. With this advantage, users are able to customize system of magic.
To do so, Light Magic require Mana; the source of magical power extracted from users mental health of living things, which is safe unlike Black Magic.
Druid Magic
Similar to Light Magic but using real nature as a tool! Find any living thing in environment and enchant it. Wanting to make a tree grow in ten minutes? Just sending the MANA to the tree asking it to grow!
Race Magic
The magic is bond with creatures, and also race-restricted.
Science Magic
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic
We have technology