The Littleton Reports Document in Project Basalt | World Anvil
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The Littleton Reports

The Littleton Reports are a collection of journals and logs written by Ally Littleton, a medical examiner from old Temerall. It is likely that the logs were sent to her superiors, with a copy made for her personal records. Little else is known about the author. The reports were found in a underground facility that was uncovered during the Brava_Disaster. The journals, along with the discovery of the Body_of_Moura, shook humanities understanding of the history of The_War.   The journals describe the day to day operations of the facility from Ally's perspective. The facility was a massive military, scientific and medical testing lab built into an expanded cave system a few miles South West of modern-day Temerall. Ally's journal focuses mainly on her work with Human-Velt hybrids, colloquially known as "The Champions(species)".  


-Early entries describe mundance day to day of patient checkups after some experimental treatment. Ally was not directly involved in the creation of hybrids. Many of her patients die. The specific cause of the death is poorly understood. Patients are simply said to "not take." Of the survivors, many made miraculous recoveries from the ordeal w/ minor side effects, such as violent mood swings. While not explicitly stated, it is thought by modern scholars that these first "patients" were a mix of political prisoners from Meiin and other criminals.   -Subsequent entries contain glowing reviews of progress and breakthroughs in treatment and recovery processes and a marked improvement in mood. The trials are expanded to include volunteers form the military. Notes about mood swings continue.   -One worked at the facility, a technical speciliast referred to as "Moura", expresses interested in getting involved with the work more directly. Moura volunteers for the hybridization procedure, which is a succes, and goes on to serve double duty as a long-term reference of treatment effects, and a technical expert in the lab.   -Early prisoner patients start exhibiting rash and insubordinate behavior. Some are executed. The rest are put under strict surveilance.   -Moura starts to exhibit similar signs. Missing work, getting into arguments over small matters, and balking at authority.   -Moura breaks Martin's nose and is put in confinement. The logs include correspondance between her and her superiors, where she raises concerns and is largely ignored.   -Moura goes mad. He screams non-stop from his cell. "I AM MOURA! I AM MOURA! I AM MOUUUURA!"   -Moura escapes. Ally is unsure how, as the cell door is still locked and there's no evidence of tampering.   -Moura, evidently trying to escape the facility, encounters and kills a new patient group and their tour guide with his bare hands. The entire facility is put on lock down. The few Champions stationed at the facility are tasked with hunting Moura. Orders are to put him down. Don't let him escape the facility.   -Every Champion sent after Moura is assumed dead. No bodies were found, but a single finger the size of an adult human was found in front of a closed bulk head. The surviving staff, along with Ally, wisely don't attempt to open the bulk head, but do cart the finger back to one of the labs for study.   There were no further entries.  


Before the release and dissemination of The Littleton Reports, and the discovery of the Body_of_Moura deeper in the facilty, it was thought that The_Velt had unleashed a secrect army of the monstrous Umvelt in strategic locations, effectly leveling every major city and military base in the world. The Reports revealed it was their own Champions, war heroes turned monster, fighting the good fight all over the world, were to blame.
Journal, Medical

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