Common idioms in Vandaryen Language in Project Cylyn | World Anvil
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Common idioms in Vandaryen

In Vandaryen many idioms or phrases were used by its inhabitants. They descriped perfectly how Vandarysh lived. It is important to mention that they liked to swear.

Geographical Distribution

Most of the phrases were used in the cities. Some say because the life there was more stressful than in the village. However there were many scholars who only studied the use of the idioms and how they were pronounced.
Common Phrases
I support you even with my broken sword
Vandarysh were famous for their unwavering loyalty. So even all weapons were useless they would fight with bare fists. Or just support you no matter what.
For the crown we fight
This was the motto of the kingdom´s knights.
Ascala Dyra
greeting; In greeting
Ascala Morta
farewell; Be well.
Ascala Yveli
greeting among knights to show that they are friendly; The knob in greeting
You smell like a drunken Carv
Carvs, thirty centimeter large lizards, usually smelled like shit. Some had dipped a carv in a Mug of beer and found out that they stink even more terrible. If someone throws this sentence at your head, you better think about your hygiene...
A dead mouse could not have done it better
Independet from what you did, you did it miserabel
May Vyfali haunt you
Vyfali were the inhabitants of Neonoron who were very loathful among Vandarysh because of the great war for Nival. In short, you screwed up.
May Meroc kill you
Meroc was the most powerful necroment in Neonoran and infamous for his torture methods. He just did not killed you. He killed his victoms four times very crucial. Sorry to say, but you fucked up. Hard.
Fuck you
Fuck you very hard

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