Donor Perks

Here are the things your money can be used to inflict upon the game!  

Character Creation

These may only be applied during character creation.
Effect Cost
+2 to an existing ability score(Caps at 20 before racials) $10
Wave LA(Per +1) $20
Gestalt! $200
Combat and Stats For Players For the Enemy
Double Crit Threat for current encounter(Stacking) $1 $2
Double Crit Threat for current session(Stacking) $3 $6
Healed by a particular damage type for current encounter $2 $4
Healed by a particular damage type for current session $6 $12
Spell Resistance +5 for current encounter(Stacking) $1 $2
Spell Resistance +5 for current session(Stacking) $3 $6
+1 DR/(You choose damage type) for current encounter $1 $2
+1 DR/(You choose damage type) for current Session $2 $4
+1 DR/Magic for current encounter $2 $4
+1 DR/Magic for current session $4 $8
+1 DR/Epic for current encounter $4 $8
+1 DR/Epic for current session $8 $16
+1 DR/- for current encounter $8 $16
+1 DR/- for current session $16 $32
Goofy Player Cost Enemy Cost
Scramble! THe Team you select randomly has their locations scrambled on the battlemap $10 $5
Reskin! Change either the appearances of the characters or their gear, no stat changes $5 $5
Curse of Babel! The party loses all of their languages for the current encounter. Only grunting $5 $5
Dance Revolution! All actions for the remainder of this fight must be described in terms of dancing, or it cannot be performed $5 $5
Chest Rules! You choose a chess piece, any player may now only move/attack in patterns allowed by that chess piece $5 $5
Spell Levels For the Players For the Enemy
Cantrips $0.25 $0.50
1st level spells $0.50 $1.00
2nd level spells $1.00 $2.00
3rd level spells $2.00 $4.00
4th level spells $4.00 $8.00
5th level spells $8.00 $16.00
6th level spells $16.00 $32.00
7th level spells $32.00 $64.00
8th level spells $64.00 $128.00
9th level spells $128.00 $256.00
Epic Spells $256.00 $512.00
Special Cost for PCs Cost for Enemy
Cast Close Wounds $5 $10
Cast Revivify $8 $16
Cast Raise Dead $16 $32
Cast Resurrection $64 $128
Cast True Resurrection $256 $512
Cast Limited Wish $64 $128
Cast Wish/Miracle $256 $512
Encounter Type Cost for PCs Cost for Enemy
Grant Loot Drop at ECL -1 $1.00 $2.00
Grant Loot Drop at ECL $2.50 $5.00
Grant Loot Drop at ECL +2 $5.00 $10.00
Friendly Encounter at ECL -1 $2.00 -
Friendly Encounter at ECL $5.00 -
Friendly Encounter at ECL +2 $10.00 -
Hostile Encounter at ECL -1 - $5
Hostile ENcounter at ECL - $10
Hostile Encounter at ECL +2 - $25
Trap at ECL -1 $1 -
Trap at ECL $2 -
Trap at ECL +2 $5 -
Lost Items
Action Player Enemy
Drop main hand item to the ground $2 $2
Main hand item is launched across the room $5 $5
Main hand item is removed from play for the remainder of the current encounter $10 $10
Main Hand Item is removed from play till the end of the NEXT encounter $25 $25
Main hand item is deleted, removed from play forever $50 $50
Off hand item drops to the ground $1 $1
Off hand item is launched across the room $2.50 $2.50
Off hand item is removed from play for the remainder of the current encounter $5 $5
Off hand item is removed from play until the end of the NEXT encounter $12.50 $12.50
Off hand item is deleted, remove from play forever $25 $25
Random worn item drops to the ground $1 $1
Random worn item is launched across the room $2 $2
Random worn item is removed from play for the remainder of the current encounter $5 $5
Random worn item is removed from play until the end of the NEXT encounter $10 $10
Random worn item is deleted, remove from play forever $15 $15
Random not equipped item drops to the ground $0.50 $0.50
Random not equipped item is launched across the room $1 $1
Random not equipped item is removed from play till the end of the current encounter $2 $2
Random not equipped item is removed from play till the end of the NEXT encounter $5 $5
Random not equipped item is deleted, removed from play forever $10 $10
Gained Items Player Cost Enemy Cost
Add a mundane item(non-magical, max value 1500gp) to the next loot pile $1 $1
Add a mundane Item(Non-magical, max value 1,500gp) directly to a character inventory $2 $2
Add an item with a maximum value of 7,499gp to the next loot pile. $5 $5
Add an item with a maximum value of 7,499gp directly to a character's inventory $10 $10
Add an item with a maximum value of 27,999gp to the next loot pile $15 $15
Add an item with a maximum value of 27,999gp directly to the character's inventory $20 $20
Add an item with a maximum value of 200,000gp to the next loot pile $30 $30
Add an item with a maximum value of 200,000gp directly to a character's inventory $40 $40
Add an item with a maximum value of 1,000,000gp to the next loot pile $60 $60
Add an item with a maximum value of 1,000,000gp directly to a character's inventory $80 $80
Add an item with a maximum value of 5,000,000gp to the next loot pile $125 $125
Add an item with a maximum value of 5,000,000gp directly to a character's inventory $150 $150
Add an item with a maximum value of 10,000,000gp to the next loot pile $200 $200
Add an item with a maximum value of 10,000,000gp directly to a character's inventory $250 $250
Add a minor artifact to the next loot pile $25 $25
Add a minor artifact directly to a character's inventory $50 $50
Add a major artifact to the next loot pile $75 $75
Add a major artifact directly to a character's inventory $100 $100
Tweaking Items
Tweak Player Cost Enemy Cost
Cursed! Add a curse to an item as it's created +$10 +$10
Retroactively Cursed! Add a curse to an already existing item +$25 +$25
Curse Proof! Remove a curse on a item, and assure it can never be cursed again +$50 +$50
Sentience! At the time of an item's creation, it may be given sentience +$10 +$10
REtroactive Sentience! An item that has already been made may be given sentience +$15 +$15
Improved Sentience! An already existing sentient item may be improved by 1 tier +$20 +$20
Add up to 10,000gp of non + features to an existing item $5 $5
Add Increase the echantment level of an item by +1 $10 $10
Soulbound - A specific item may no longer be deleted permanently. +$50 +$50
Grand Soulbound - A specific item may no longer be disarmed/removed from play +$100(+$50 to upgrade) +$100(+$50 to upgrade)


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