The Fees

1. There is a $5 fee to get a seat at the table. This fee goes to me and will be used for expanding assets available for future streams, and snacks for time spent streaming.   2. Money sent to my PayPal during the stream will have 95% of it forwarded to charity.(The 5% being PayPal's fees before the money actually gets to me)   3. Subscriptions won’t be forwarded to charity. Twitch takes 50% off the top before I see a cent, so it’s just not cost-effective to bother. I will still accept them, however. Bits will not be forwarded either at this time, because given how little i actually may from twitch this money won't hit my hands for several MONTHS down the road. Subs and Bits both will however go towards extending the stream.   4. For Charities that offer it, direct links that allow me to monitor donations will be used when available. These may be the most ideal as you can get the cash directly to the charity as I don’t have to worry about handling the money myself. For those that do not offer a direct link for donations will have to go through my PayPal.


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