The story, the logic, the meta

Each of you in this current adventuring party were civilians not too long ago. None of you really knew each other until you each died the first time.   Each of you were brought back not by heroes, or by gods. But from beings from another world. These beings have become secondary benefactors for you. You still take quests from the people in your own world more than them, but they are ever present, aiding you in nearly everything you do. They seem to be able to channel significant power through you. When asked about how and why they do so, their explanation is confusing. But what you can make out of it is it seems they are able to expend resources and channel them through you, to help the sick and disadvantaged in their own world. Their explanation of how this works is confusing at best, but as they continue to do this, and continue to help you, all they ask of you is that you continue adventuring responsibly. So, given their aid is so valuable, and costs you so little, you embrace it. Yet, as with all things in this life and others. There is a darker side. There are those that seek this same method to hurt you. They are benefiting those in their world, but choosing to hurt you rather than help you as their means to do so.   (These secondary benefactors are those people watching the stream. When they donate to charity during the stream to help you, that’s the act of them expending resources through you to help people in their own world.)   There will be a slot in initiative order that represents the stream. This will always have an initiative of 0. When this turn comes up, stream viewers can expend some of their donation pool to make things happen. The viewers may donate at any time during initiative order, but during the stream slot in initiative is when we will pause and ask if anyone wants to expend some of it. Each donor will be limited to a single action during the stream turn. This is in order to keep the game moving, and limit it’s derailment to very much.


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