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Camille Rosebella

Lord Camille Rosebella

Camille joined the group at the same time that the city of Kingstown was chasing them down for capture. Their ultimate goal was reaching the city of Idona, so Remina Arclight could retake her city. She spent most of her time quickly going from place to place, while also trying to come to terms with her own mental health. Later on, the party learned that she was the presumed dead Lady Serenity Rosebella of Idona. Due to unknown circumstances, her parents had hired someone or something to assassinate Camille, but ultimately failed. The family then removed and kicked Camille out of the house. After a bit of hard work and much needed bravery, she was able to face her family and reclaim her title as the rightful heir.   From there, a war broke out between her city and the city of Kingstown, where a series of bad events began to follow them. The citizens of Idona were captured at the same time as Team Crownshatter, which lead to their ultimate goal being to end the war for good and freeing the citizens. After experiencing grief, anger, happiness, and fear, Team Crownshatter got their wish, fulfilling their objective. Now, Lord Camille Rosebella works with the other noble houses of Idona to rebuild their broken city and make it the best place it can be.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Camille is a physically fit young woman. Underneath her clothing hides a muscular body, her arms and waist covered in burn scars from the past.

Facial Features

In the past, she used bandages to cover up the minor scars that were on her cheek and on her nose. Now that they've healed, she no longer wears these bandages. Now she has a scar above her eye after attempting to notch her eyebrow again.

Identifying Characteristics

Camille's appearance is similar to the demonic side of tieflings, as she has solid-colored eyes and horns that slightly curve to the back of her head.

Special abilities

Camille was defined by her wild magic as a teenager. She's done her best to control the chaos in her blood, but it tends to lash out whenever in battle.

Apparel & Accessories

Camille tends to wear darker shades, such as muted purples and greys. Her clothes are plain and simple, as she tries her best to blend into the crowd rather than stick out.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Camille Rosebella originally was born as Serenity, the only daughter of a wealthy family in Idona. For most of her life, she lived a comfortable, wonderful life as the noble’s daughter, but for some reason there was always a hint of sadness and uncomfortableness in her eyes. However, as she grew up, Serenity noticed that her parents were becoming more distant and cold. The older she grew, the colder her parents became. It was when she was 17 that her life began to change for good. One late night, Serenity was attacked by an unknown assailant. She fought back the best she could, and escaped from her bedchamber. She ran to her parent’s room, startled and concerned, looking for answers. She had found her mother awake in bed, surprised that the young girl was still breathing in front of her. Her eyes said all: she was done raising Serenity, and wanted her gone permanently.   The young girl launched into a frenzied rage, screaming at her family at how hard she tried to enjoy the noble life, how hard she tried for them. She screamed how much she hated courting other men, and how much she despised living the way she did. It was that fateful night that the wild magic within her blood began to take over, as a bright, radiant light struck her mother in the eyes. Her mother screamed, covering her eyes and sobbing for help. Serenity, shocked by her own power, only stood in stunned silence as her father woke up and attempted to help his wife. After the attack, Serenity’s memory became fuzzy. She remembered strong arms taking her away, the sight of her mother clutching her face becoming engrained in her memory.   The morning after was a fuzzy memory. She heard whispers that Lady Rosebella could no longer see, her eyes permanently blinded due to Serenity’s magic. And yet, Serenity found herself at a moment of peace, not feeling a drop of guilt for the damage she did. After some discussion, they agreed that words of attempted assassination and uncontrolled magic would surely damage the family name. Killing her, however, would lead to other complications in the future. The best choice was to disown the girl, and claim she died from a sudden illness. The family deemed Serenity officially dangerous and disowned her from the family. Bruised and scratched, Serenity was at the front of the manor, no longer the daughter of a noble. She looked back one final time before limping away and began to think about her next move.   From there, she changed her name to Camille Augustine and decided to turn her back on the life she once lived. Any thought of fighting against her parent's unfair decision was overrun by a deep-rooted fear of dying at their hands.


Not much to say here. She's a emotionally damaged lesbian.


Her time as a noble allowed her to get a formal education from private tutors.


Camille was an adventurer of some kind when she left her home in Idona. She was scared that staying in one place would allow her family to easily track her down, so she found it better to do side jobs in different cities rather than being employed in one place. However, nowadays Camille has returned to her role as a lord of a wealthy house, but rather than stay back and do nothing, she goes out of her way to physically help the people of Idona.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Camille accomplished a lot with Team Crownshatter by her side. They were able to stop a mysterious figure known as Red Hand, who wanted to create a perfect world with no hardships. The cost of this utopia was the lives of innocent people.

Failures & Embarrassments

Camille holds a lot of regrets, both in the past and in the present. She feels responsible for the deaths that occurred throughout her journey. Terry's death in particular impacted her more than she anticipated. Upon realizing his family situation and how young he was, she decided to take the responsibility of looking after him. When he had died and then been resurrected months later, Camille's feelings were overrun with guilt and regret failing her duty as his friend.

Mental Trauma

Camille fell into a depressive state shortly after being kicked out of her home. Her parent's betrayal left a deep cut in her heart, as she trusted them with her life. The nightmare that plagued her memory planted a deep-rooted fear of drowning and suffocation into Camille's heart. She grew to distrust the people around her; not only was she raised with little to no friends, but she had a fear that allies of her family would come to kill her at any moment. This is also why she could not stand being around knights; paranoia tended to override any other feelings she had. The weight of her traumas weighed her down as she struggled to find a reason to continue with her life.

Personality Characteristics


At the beginning of the campaign, Camille originally lived for herself, trying to gain back whatever love for life she had left. She found it to be an unfulfilling lifestyle until she met Team Crownshatter. Since then, she's tried to live her life in order to make them happy, and regained a curiosity as to why her family wanted her dead to begin with.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Camille is incredibly skilled with a great axe. After being kicked out, she spent much of her time physically getting stronger so she could fend off whatever assassins wanted to end her life. With the help of Braun, she also learned how to use a longsword and shield. However, she lacks the magical skill that Remina has.


Contacts & Relations

Remina Arclight's relationship with Camille is best described with the word "sisters". The two were born in the same city and in the same position but never met due to Camille's parents insisting on her being isolated from the rest of society. One fateful day the two of them met and formed a bond without the knowledge of their heritage. Since then, the two have stuck together and helped one another with their issues. However, she now faces the reality that her sister will one day leave her side to be with the one she loves, Braun. While Remina has tried to reassure her that no such thing will happen, Camille knows deep down those feelings of love will overcome any promise made. She does not feel any resentment towards Remina despite these feelings, for she understands it is a part of life. People need to leave each other eventually.   Braun and Camille had many arguments and differences in the past. Initially put off by his knightly tendencies, she tended to be rude to him when it was unnecessary and thought of him as naïve although he was older. She's much kinder to him nowadays, but old habits tend to reappear every once in a while. As Camille sat with her feelings, she realized she subconsciously resented Braun for the fact that he would inevitably take Remina from her. Although she encouraged the development of their relationship, Camille could not help but feel sad that she would be left behind and that she would never have a warm friendship with Braun.   Terry Baker and Camille's relationship became complicated at best. He once had a crush on her that was never resolved due to his sudden death. Camille, prior to his death, considered him a friend of some kind and wanted him to not feel alone. After he was resurrected, Camille began developing feelings of regret whenever she even looked his way. She began feeling guilty for leaving him behind and continues to look for ways to free him from the unfair contract he is under.   Sheala Carson looked very similar to a young girl Camille saw in reoccurring dreams, which began their friendship. After spending time together, Camille realized that she was growing attached to Sheala outside of the similarity of the girl in her dreams. Sheala was patient, kind, and affectionate towards Camille, which brought out a kinder and softer side that was lost long ago. Even despite her failures, Sheala remained by her side. Some suspect that Camille had developed a crush on the young woman.

Family Ties

Camille's family situation is complicated. Her parents had technically disowned her, so on paper she is an orphan. However, they still share the same blood, and still uses their last name despite the pain it brings. Camille considers them family, but only by blood and not by bonds. She considers her real family to be her friends, with Remina Arclight being her sister.

Religious Views

Camille's views on religion changed when she met the Moon God. Initially, she thought that gods were benevolent beings with tremendous power and strength. However, after witnessing the Moon God's actions, Camille considers gods to be powerful mortals who are deathly afraid of losing their power.


Shortly after breaking off from her family, Camille decided to lean more masculine by toughening up her body and voice. As a result, she became victim to toxic masculinity, as she rejected her femininity and thought that being cold, rude, and violent to others would protect her from emotional harm. Once she unlearned those habits, Camille became a relatively quiet and reserved person who observed everyone's actions. She also discovered that she's incredibly bad with her words.


After unlearning bad habits, Camille discovered she could still manage to speak politely and quietly after many years of being away from a noble home. However, that doesn't mean her vulgar tendencies are completely gone.

Camille Rosebella was a young tiefling girl that had spent some her life traveling around the world. One day, some string of fate brought her to meet some students of Project Restart and a former knight of Umtin.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord Rosebella
Date of Birth
15th of August
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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