Caleb Webb Character in Project X-623 | World Anvil

Caleb Webb

Caleb Webb, was a lawyer from Manhatten, the best lawyer in Manhatten as a matter of fact, his slogan was When your in the Web, call Webb. Caleb was also a severe smoker, and in 1989 was diagnosed with lung cancer. after going through all possible ways to cure himself none of it worked, and Caleb grew severely depressed. he started drinking severely and smoking even more. in late 1990 Caleb was told his cancer had progressed even worse, and he would be lucky to live another year.   then in January of 1991, Caleb saw the ad put out by PharmaTec "TEST SUBJECTS NEEDED, extremely experimental cure for cancer. send in application to PharmaTec headquarters at 107 W Altus St, Atlas City, WI, or come in for consideration. Caleb immediately sold his house, and with all his lawyer money he had saved moved to Atlas City. he went to Pharmatec HQ and applied for the experiment. not even a week later he received the call that he had been chosen for the experiment, and to come to PharmaTec HQ in his best suit for a news article.   caleb bought the most expensive suit in Atlas City, and he made himself look as presentable as possible, he was only 29 years old but all the treatments had made him look hideous. he arrived at PharmaTec, where he was immidetly ambushed by Reporters and journalists. after the press conference, Caleb was brought inside, and given a room for the night. in the morning he was taken down to the garage and loaded into a really nice car. Caleb fell asleep in the comfy back seat of the car so he had no idea how far of a ride it was. when he awoke the car was driving through a long dark tunnel and into a garage, a scientist came and opened the door for Caleb and told him "It's so nice to have you Mr. Webb" and just as Caleb went to respond, he felt a needle pierce his neck and everything went black.   Caleb Went through an intense 2-week-long operation, with doctors and scientists working on him 24/7. after the operation, Caleb was unconscious with little brain activity, he was labeled in a vegetative state and put in an all-white holding cell for observation. PharmaTec kept Caleb alive for 9 months in this state, and the day before they were scheduled to pull the plug on the whole Caleb, and the whole operation, Caleb woke up.   When he woke, he felt better than he had in a long time, the cancer was gone, and he could go back to his normal life, and he was so happy. until he looked at his hand, what he saw horrified him, his skin was now blue, and he started to scream, and that's when the doctors came in, they were dressed in black hazmat suits with tinted vizors, Caleb summed that the hazmat suits where just a security measure, but one of the scientist tripped on the bed sheets that where now on the ground, and his vizor shattered, he looked up at Caleb with a horrified look on his face as nose, mouth, and gums started to bleed then the man collapsed. Caleb was horrified, had he done that? he collapsed into the bed that he had been confined to for so long and began to sob into his palms   Caleb stayed in his cell, crying. he was Sad, and he was angry, very angry. after about two months of being watched Caleb was done, he started screaming and throwing things around the room he could see the scientists watching him, which made him even angrier, he kept getting angrier and angrier, when all the sudden a strange feeling took him over, he felt powerful, and he let out one last scream, and when he did he felt a tug in his gut and everything went black.   when Caleb awoke he was in a huge creator, he sat there for some time, and after what felt like hours he started herein a strange chopping-like noise coming from every direction, and then he saw black Trucks tearing through the creator, when he looked the skies he saw the source of the chopping noise, helicopters, 15 of them at least all surrounding the crater. the trucks came to a stop all around him, and out of one of them, four men in hazmat suits and bulletproof armor stepped, three with rifles pointing at Caleb which prompted him to throw his hands in the air and drop to his knees. the man without a rifle came to Caleb and healed his hand, and Caleb went with him. After a very long car ride with no words said, they came to a warehouse in the middle of a forest, Caleb was brought inside and put in a glass room, he sat there for 20 minutes, when a man with short black hair, wearing a black suit with a red tie, and a little American flag pin approached.   "hello Caleb, my name is James Redmane, chief of R&D, and top secret operations for PharmaTec. I know you're confused right now so here's the story, if you're ready." Caleb nodded. "Well in good news your cancer is cured, bad news is that wasn't the real intention of the experiment. you see some time ago we started running highly illegal experiments on animals, we created animals that can do some amazing things, and we wanted to make people do these amazing things. so we put an ad out, the very same ad you saw, and promised we could cure cancer, which looking at you now was not a lie. Long story short we modified your DNA, and you can now create Nucular Detanations. that's what you did back there, our brand new state-of-the-art lab, gone, and that whole area declared a nuclear zone, that is unsafe to step foot in." "But the good news is you have a chance to do some real good, with your abilities we will be able to produce infinite amounts of nuclear energy, but we aren't going to force you"    Caleb accepted the offer to help the world, he now resides in a top-secret facility somewhere in the midwest, this facility provides power for the entire midwest, New York City, Washington DC, Los Angeles, San Fransico, and Seatle.


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