Dragons Species in Project: Amanic | World Anvil
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Dragons are creatures that have existed long before any other species in the world. They are one of the few species who can use magic, and the only ones able to transfer such magic to others. They are divided into seven subforms, each having adapted to their surroundings. It is unknown when dragons arrived. Some say they arrived from another world, whereas others argue that they were the ones who created the world.

Because they do not usually form groups, there is no set hierarchy. However, it is likely that they will listen to Dux Draco Ultimate should the situation call for it. Dragons are able to use magic. This has been true since before time. As a result, they are powerful spellcasters and are able to speak Lativiká. It's worth noting that Magic Shards Dragons are the most powerful magic users, not only among dragons, but in the world. This is because their Shards allow them to greatly increase their magic power - and for this very reason, humans hunt them down so as to be able to channel all that magic power themselves.   They are regarded as selfish creatures. However, they are also noble, and will help any creature they see in distress unless it puts them in great danger.


Dragons have been around for thousands of years. As a result, some of them changed physically so as to better adapt to their environemnts and their own needs. They have all been named by Kolbein the Great during his journeys.


The most common type of dragon. They have four legs and are usually lone creatures. They live nearly everywhere, except on frozen tundras and underwater. The name is a display of Kolbein's great naming skills - he could have just named them 'Dragon', but he felt it wasn't ~special~ enough.
Dragin by Pierrot



These dragons only have two hind legs, hence the name. They don't rely on flight as much as they do on running, so they are faster than any other type of dragon. It is also common to see them traveling in packs of around 4-6 dragons; as a result, they are good at team work and are generally happier when surrounded by their pack.
A Hynd taking care of a hatchling that is not its own by Pierrot
  They are also significantly more docile and cooperative than other species. This last statement applies for both humans and dragons, as they're known to have at least one adult dragon stay behind with the hatchlings while the others are hunting.    


Salamander dragons are those which have 6 or more legs. They will also most likely have wings, though in some cases they don't. These dragons have adapted to tougher, hillier terrain, thus, they're great climbers, but this very ability puts them at disadvantage during chases on plain terrain, because their legs are usually too short or too weak to run properly.  


Infelix dragons are similar to Dragins, with one major difference: they do not have wings. As a result, these dragons had to adapt to life on the ground. This allowed them to become slightly bigger and stronger than their flying counterparts. Not only that, their fire burns hotter and their horns are even harder to break. Their teeth, too, have become bigger and they have an overall stronger jaw. Their legs are great at running, climbing, jumping, and other such actions, though they do not excel at any particular one.   They have developed an aggressive, territorial behavior because of how many dragons share space with them. They exist across nearly every biome except the ocean.


These dragons have only two front legs. They make up for this by being gigantic creatures. Very few dragons dare to challenge these beasts to a fight, though it's usually not necessary, because these dragons are kind and patient. They are a rare sighting, and are most commonly seen around mountains, so it is assumed that this is their chosen habitat.


Hydras are regarded as one, if not the, most dangerous type of dragon. They have two or more heads and are very aggressive. They mostly roam around forests, where they can hide very well, though they are also seen a lot on plains, and it is rumored that they are also on the badlands. Their main weakness is that, since it's multiple heads controlling one body, it takes them several weeks, or even months, to properly control the body and be able to fend for themselves, so they are particularly vulnerable when they're hatchlings. And even after that, they may still have some trouble moving.
A Hydra forgetting about one of its own heads by Pierrot


The most exotic type of dragon. These creatures have no legs or arms, instead, they only have two wings, so they have to slither whenever they're on the ground. They make up for this by being gigantic and incredibly destructive, though there are some smaller variations. They are thankfully really peaceful, too, and will rarely seek conflict. These dragons usually live around mountains and forests.  


There isn't much to say about this dragon that the name doesn't already say. These dragons live in the ocean and will rarely go near the coast. Some of these dragons have lost their wings and instead have fins to move underwater. Some other dragons have kept their wings and have adapted to a life between water and air.
Displaying its supperior movement by Pierrot
They usually have cooler colors so as to better camouflage. This is because, in the sea, many of them have become weaker and thus are no longer the apex predator in that area.
A sea dragon and its prey by Pierrot
For some dragons, however, the situation was the complete opposite: they adapted to their new environment and have developed new ways to bait their preys into approaching them. As a result, some dragons have become tremendously bigger. The only thing these two types of dragons have in common is that, because they're underwater, instead of breathing fire, they use sonic blasts to attack their opponents. The strength of these blasts usually depends on the size of the dragon, but if it were to practice, they could get stronger. Of course, dragons have not reached the stage in which they realize this, so it's unlikely that a dragon will do it without guidance, usually from a human.  
Magic Shard Dragon
  Once again Kolbein displays his truly wonderful naming skills. This dragon, as the name would suggest, has magic shards embedded all over their body
Orb dragons really enjoy leisure flights by Pierrot
. This material is still unknown to humans, hence the name 'magic shard'.

Otherwise known as 'Shard Dragons', these creatures are significantly bigger than an average Salamander dragon, but may not be big enough to face some Aquatic dragons.
Additionally, these dragons can look like any other sub-form of dragon as a species, the only thing differentiating them being the size and the shards all over their body.

Their Magic Shards can present themselves in many way; more often than not, they naturally blend in with the dragon's appearance, but they can sometimes look as if they were forcefully thrust into the dragon's body.



Draconic Cultures

Even though the Draconic cultures vastly differ in several aspects, including how they came to be, they all have one thing in common: they see dragons as superior beings. As such, a lot of their lifestyle has adapted to them, and they have celebrations each year revolving around these beasts.

Nomadic Cultures

Unlike their predecessors, the Nomads don't give too much importance to dragons. However, they don't ignore their existence. Some tribes, particularly on the south, pay attention to the dragons' behavior to determine whether the upcoming weather will be cold or warm. They have tales about these creatures, too.

Basic Information


Depending on the type

Growth Rate & Stages

The smallest types of dragon (i.e Hynds or smaller versions of Glistas) will take around 3 years at most to reach adulthood, whereas bigger dragons (i.e Magic Shard Dragons or Vetustus) will take even decades to finish their growth.

Life stages

A dragon egg by Pierrot
Egg: When the dragon is most defenseless. At this stage, dragons are completely dependant on their parents and need them for warmth and protection.
Hatchling by Pierrot
Hatchling: The dragon has just come out of the egg. It is crucial for them to learn how to fly and to breath fire (or the equivalent to its habitat). The hatchling still requires protection from its parents.
Youth by Pierrot
Youth: The dragon is now learning to fly. It is also starting to learn, though playfully, skills such as tracking, hunting, and other such skills that will be useful for their adult life.
Teenage by Pierrot
Teen: At this stage, the dragon is nearly fully grown. It will start hunting for food and will slowly become independent from its parents (unless it's part of a group). However, it is still to reach an acceptable amount of wisdom, so it will pick fights with nearby dragons, often its siblings, and other species, so its parents still need to keep a close eye on the dragon to keep it safe.
An adult dragons is at its prime by Pierrot
Adult: At this stage, dragons are at their strongest. They're wiser than ever, are fully independent and are fully grown physically. At this stage, dragons look for a partner, which may or may not be for life, in order to reproduce. They become more territorial and aggressive as well so as to demonstrate their supperiority to other species and even other dragons. Unless they live within a group, they have to fend for themselves. Adult dragons start learning magic.
Elder: An Elder dragon is at the last stage of life. Because of their aggressive nature, dragons outside of Orb Dragons, Vetustus or some Glistas don't usually reach this stage. Although physically weaker, they are the most powerful magic users, and may even be agile enough to keep up with a teenager or even an adult.

An elder dragon, notice the scars and damage by Pierrot

Ecology and Habitats

Dragons live all over the world, and are now beggining to adapt to cities and towns. They will usually inhabit the mountains, and it is said that it is their preferred habitat. Some claim to have spotted dragons in the Badlands, but no one has gone far enough to confirm it.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Dragons are apex predators, with the exception of some Aquatic dragons. They learn hunting skills from a young age, but are not initiated in the art of hunting until they become teenagers. They usually do it alone, though those which live in packs have learnt strategies to use their advantage to the fullest.

Biological Cycle

They shed their current skin every 6-8 months in favor of a more colorful one. This is because beautiful and exotic wing patterns are most likely to attract a partner to mate with.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Sensory capabilities are highly dependant on the habitat; in the forest, they will be enhanced to nearly the fullest, whereas they have grown to their weakest in frozen tundras (except sight and smell)  


Dragons usually breathe fire. It's usually not a single blast; sometimes it's a spiral of fire, and sometimes it's a simple spray. However, because of the diversity of the biomes they inhabit, some of them had to change their blasts depending on where they lived.


At first, forest dragons refrained from using their fire because of how destructive it was. But it wouldn't last long, as they would start spitting acid that was a result of holding their fire for so long. Fortunately for them, they eventually found a way of not only creating this acid at will, but also use it as an equivalent of fire.

Ice tundra

Dragons who live in this area have had to face one big problem: the area was too cold for their fire to last long enough. Because of this, they've had to learn other ways of attacking. Some dragons learned to shoot rocks at their opponents, while others lost their ability to breathe fire completely in favor of physical strength.


Because of obvious reasons, dragons can't breathe fire here. Instead, they shoot sonic blasts which are strong enough to shatter rocks. This is not to be confused with a common roar.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Draconis Ferocius
Unknown (possibly otherworldy)
Over 90 years
Average Height
1,80 meters

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Cover image: Dragon banner by Pierrot

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Dec 20, 2020 17:02 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Love the detail in this article and all the bits of art. I also really like the naming skills - Dragin is definitely my favourite. XD   I really like the discussion of how different dragons evolved to no longer use fire.

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
Dec 20, 2020 22:08 by TC

The naming skills are excellent, and I love the art! Very neat article :)

Creator of Arda Almayed
Dec 21, 2020 19:04 by Catoblepon

DRAGONS! Love the article, the art, everything! Great work! :D

Visit Daeliha, Iphars, Khulgran & Shattered
Love to code, but this one is driving me crazy!
My world Shattered won as the "Most ground-breaking premise new world"!
Dec 22, 2020 22:38 by Andrew Booth

Lovely article, clearly very well thought-through! I particularly like the fact that you've said dragons in ice tundras eschew fire breathing and instead hurl rocks, rather than going with the more classic frost/ice breath, it's a nice take on it.

Dec 23, 2020 00:38 by Pierrot

Thank you! I tried to give the species a personal touch - after all, what hasn't been said about dragons?

Jan 1, 2021 14:18 by Michael Chandra

Is it wrong that I want to cuddle some of these?

Too low they build who build beneath the stars - Edward Young
Jan 3, 2021 15:46 by Pierrot

Not at all! I myself want a dragon of my own ):

Jan 4, 2021 13:21

"He felt it wasn't ~special~ enough" Oh gods this was beautiful. The pictures are beautiful - I especially liked the ones for the growth stages, the "youth" one is incredibly cute.   If you are planning on expanding about this, I would like to know if the Hynd ones do have a hierarchy on their groups and how do they define it, since they seem to be the only social ones.