The Ameriine Species in Project: Odyssey | World Anvil
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The Ameriine

12,000 years ago an ancient race known as the Ameriine ruled the Cosmos. The Ameriine where ahead of there time in many scientific fields such as quantum mechanics, Theoretical physics, matter displacement, ect...  For the longest time the Ameriine ruled over countless worlds and busteling cities and great technological advancments that would make the rest of the galaxy look like children with fireworks... But all that would change with The Fall. After many years of ruling the Galaxy the Ameriine became complacent, and thier space began to be invaded by outside forces. In order to combat these new arising threats, the Ameriine created an army of genetically modified cyborgs that would later be called in there language the Rish Acarr, but the galaxy would come to know them as the ... Reavers.    For a while the reavers did thier duty well and fought off the many enemies of the Ameriine, they were loyal servants until they weren't. After the fighting was over, the Reavers began to become complacent themselves and wonder why they  should take orders anymore. It started out small Some Reavers started to ask small questioins like Why. Then it excilated to all out rebellion across the Ameriine empire. The fighting would envelope the entire galaxy. The reavers where relentless, within 8 short years 70 percent of the Ameriine population were wiped out, what where left fled in large ships and hid among the stars.    The Ameriine are now a nomadic people that wander across the stars in large city sized ships that house thousands. They live by 3 important tenants... 1. Protect the People 2. Follow the path 3. Protect the Ship... At all costs.    

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Males: Tel varros, Xaphos, Balloc, Teven... Females: Alia, Vellic, Seranna, Elfarron...

Average Technological Level

At one point the Ameriine were masters of the galaxy, they had mighty weapons, and ships and the ability to create planets, reignite suns, and generate blackholes, and travel to distant galaxies within the span of a week or less. but most of that technology was lost, after the fall.   Now the Ameriine have very limited resources and very limited technololgy surviving day by day with in a floatilla of life ships that act as home and long distant transport.

Common Dress Code

Most Ameriine will mostly be seen wearing a full body e.v. suit. the suit will usually be adorned with a scarf or tabard.(depending on the familial connection.) When not in their e.v. suits th ameriine can be found wearing simple slim tight outfits, eiter colored white, black purple or blue.
roughfully 1000 years
Average Height
7ft. tall at average
Average Weight
220 lbs. on average. 250 lbs in E.V. Suit.


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