Athorish, Language of the Aqein (ˈahɔɾˠ)

Natively known as: athor /ˈahɔɾˠ/

  ...and he stood holding his hat and turned his wet face to the wind...
ar í aé a alu einn ar a éng ampi aglil iac i
Pronunciation: /aɾˠ iː ˈaeː a ˈalʲʊ ɛn̪ˠ aɾˠ a eːŋg ˈamˠpˠɪ ˈagɫɪɫ ia̯k ɪ/
Athorish word order: and he stood his hat holding and his wet face turned the wind to  

Spelling & Phonology

  Consonant inventory: bʲ bˠ c dʲ d̪ˠ fʲ fˠ g h k lʲ mʲ mˠ nʲ n̪ˠ pʲ pˠ sˠ tʲ t̪ˠ vʲ vˠ x ç ŋ ɟ ɫ ɲ ɾʲ ɾˠ ʃ
↓Manner/Place→ Bilabial Labiodental Dental Alveolar Palato-alveolar Palatal Velar Glottal
Nasal mˠ mʲ n̪ˠ ɲ ŋ
Stop pˠ pʲ bˠ bʲ t̪ˠ d̪ˠ tʲ dʲ c ɟ k g
Fricative fˠ fʲ vʲ vˠ ʃ ç x h
Tap ɾˠ ɾʲ
Lateral approximant
Co-articulated phonemes
↓Manner/Place→ Velarized alveolar
Lateral approximant ɫ
Vowel inventory: a eː ia̯ iə̯ iː oː uə̯ uː ɑː ɔ əi̯ əu̯ ɛ ɪ ʊ   Diphthongs: ia̯ iə̯ uə̯ əi̯ əu̯ ?
Front Back
Near-high ɪ ʊ
Low-mid ɛ ɔ
Low a ɑː
Syllable structure: Custom defined ?
Stress pattern: Penultimate — stress is on the second last syllable ?   Spelling rules:
Pronunciation Spelling
ca cea
coː ceo
cu ciu
coi | cai | cui
k c
h th
x ch
ç ch
ɲ nn
#n̪ˠ n
n̪ˠ nn
ŋg ng
ŋ ng
ɫ l
ʃa sea
sˠɪ sai
sˠi suí
sˠeː sao
ʃɔ seo | sio
ʃo seo
ʃu siu
ʃ s
tʲu tiu
te / _{a,ɑː}
t̪ˠoː teo
t̪ˠɛ te
t̪ˠ t
fˠi faoi
fˠɪ fui
fˠuː fiú
ɟ g
ɪ i
eːɾˠ éar
ɾˠ r
ɾʲ r
bh | mh
d̪ˠ d
əi a
ɛ ei
ɔ o
əu ai
ʊ u


  Main word order: Subject Object Verb (Prepositional phrase). “Mary opened the door with a key” turns into Mary the door opened with a key.
Adjective order: Adjectives are positioned before the noun.
Adposition: postpositions ?  


  Nouns have two cases:
  • Nominative is the doer of a verb: dog bites man.
  • Accusative is the done-to of a verb: man bites dog.
Nominative No affix
árt /ɑːɾˠt̪ˠ/ dog (doing the verb)
Accusative If starts with vowel: Prefix xɫ-
Else: Prefix xɫa-
chlárt /xɫɑːɾˠt̪ˠ/ (verb done to) dog
Singular No affix
árt /ɑːɾˠt̪ˠ/ dog
Plural Reduplicate last part of last syllable
ártárt /ˈɑːɾˠt̪ˠɑːɾˠt̪ˠ/ dogs


  Athorish has no definite article ‘the’, or indefinite article ‘a’.


Nominative Accusative
1st singular /eː/ I an /anʲ/ me
2nd singular ir /ɪɾʲ/ you u /ʊ/ you
3rd singular masc /iː/ he, it (masc) /ɑː/ his, it (masc)
3rd singular fem bia /bˠia̯/ she, it (fem) rénn /ɾˠeːn̪ˠ/ her, it (fem)
1st plural a /a/ we i /ɪ/ us
2nd plural ua /uə̯/ you all ách /ɑːx/ you all
3rd plural ar /aɾˠ/ they eich /ɛx/ them

Possessive determiners

1st singular ar /əi̯ɾˠ/ my
2nd singular i /ɪ/ your
3rd singular masc a /a/ his
3rd singular fem /uː/ her
1st plural ar /aɾʲ/ our
2nd plural /oː/ your (pl)
3rd plural a /əi̯/ their


Present If starts with vowel: Prefix ʃ-
Else: Prefix ʃoː-
sigia /ˈʃɪgiə̯/ learn
Past No affix
igia /ˈɪgiə̯/ learned
Remote past Prefix a-
aigia /aˈɪgiə̯/ learned (long ago)
Athorish uses a standalone particle word for future tense:
Future Particle before the verb: iː -
í igia /iː ˈɪgiə̯/ will learn

Progressive aspect

  The ‘progressive’ aspect refers to actions that are happening at the time of speaking, such as I am learning.
Athorish uses a standalone particle word for progressive:
Progressive Particle before the verb: əu̯ -
ai igia /əu̯ ˈɪgiə̯/ is learning

Habitual aspect

  The ‘habitual’ aspect refers to actions that happen habitually, such as I learn (something new every day), as opposed to actions that happen once (I learned something).
Athorish uses an affix for habitual:
Habitual Prefix a-
aigia /aˈɪgiə̯/ learns

Perfect aspect

  The perfect aspect in English is exemplified in ‘I have read this book’, which expresses an event that took place before the time spoken but which has an effect on or is in some way still relevant to the present.
Athorish uses an affix for the perfect aspect:
Perfect Reduplicate last part of last syllable
igiaia /ɪˈgiə̯iə̯/ have learned


  Athorish has a base-10 number system:   1 -
2 - ag
3 -
4 - ca
5 - gra
6 - ad
7 - chlar
8 - fui
9 - ág
10 - il
100 - di
1000 - ús

Derivational morphology

  Adjective → adverb = If starts with vowel: Prefix uːnʲ-
Else: Prefix uːnʲʊ-
Adjective → noun (the quality of being [adj]) = If starts with vowel: Prefix ʃ-
Else: Prefix ʃoː-
Adjective → verb (to make something [adj]) = Prefix d̪ˠɪ-
Noun → adjective (having the quality of [noun]) = Prefix a-
Noun → adjective relating to noun (e.g. economy → economic) = Prefix ɪ-
Noun to verb = Prefix ʃɪ-
Verb → adjective (result of doing [verb]) = If starts with vowel: Prefix bˠ-
Else: Prefix bˠa-
Tending to = If starts with vowel: Prefix bˠ-
Else: Prefix bˠɪ-
Verb → noun (the act of [verb]) = If starts with vowel: Prefix k-
Else: Prefix kuː-
Verb → noun that verb produces (e.g. know → knowledge) = Prefix əi̯-
One who [verb]s (e.g. paint → painter) = If starts with vowel: Prefix vʲ-
Else: Prefix vʲɪ-
Place of (e.g. wine → winery) = Prefix kɪ-
Diminutive = If starts with vowel: Prefix k-
Else: Prefix ka-
Augmentative = If starts with vowel: Prefix k-
Else: Prefix ka-


3038 Words.


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