Driorans and the Tine Fellowship

Drioran faith is a small but devoted religion of the Anorn who once inhabited the deepest, most inhospitable parts of Cerln. Their patron goddess is Driora, who is believed to dwell in the treacherous crevasses and chasms of the frozen caverns found within Mount Akesi. The followers of the Drioran faith are pragmatic people, forced long ago into the art of survival during the events of The Great Despair when the winds of Prominence became hostile to all forms of life. It is there, deep down under the scarred earth above, wherein the Anorn first discovered Driora entombed within the tine ice.   Driora is revered as a goddess of endurance and fortitude, but also of the mysteries of the underground. Her followers believe that she is the guardian of the hidden secrets and treasures of the deep, which are only accessible to those who possess the strength and courage to explore the dangerous, uncharted caverns. The faithful pay tribute to her through offerings of heat and flame. It is not uncommon to witness a Drioran temple adorned with candles of continual flame.    The Drioran faith has a hierarchy of priests known as The Tine Fellowship. They have dedicated their lives to studying the patterns and formations of the frozen crystals that adorn the cavern walls of Cerln's deepest places. These priests are able to read the psalms and histories thought safeguarded by Driora within the glittering facets of the tine. They have gathered a compilation of these readings into a religious work known as Blessings from Below. The Tine Fellowship are generally respected and revered by the Anorn of Cerln for their wisdom and knowledge.   The followers of the Drioran faith hold a number of festivals and ceremonies throughout the year, which are centered around the cycles of the underground world. They celebrate the changing of the seasons in the deep, the coming of the crystalline tine blooms, and the emergence of the rare hidden creatures that dwell in the depths. The most important festival of the Drioran faith is the "Chasm's Call", which marks the end of the winter and the beginning of the season of hope and renewal. During this festival, the faithful come together to share stories and legends of the survival of the Anorn, and to pray for the guidance and protection of their patron goddess.
Religious, Other

Cover image: by Nic Tatum


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