
What is suspected is that the Omond are only part Alyric. Though the songs of the Moonless Migration describe the Flat Lands as uninhabited during the Alyri visit to the area many quarternions ago, the islands to the immediate south were overpopulated with the Omeri, a diminuitive, stocky people, full of anger and aggression. They are unkempt in appearance with dusty blond hair and emerald eyes. Their heads are often covered in seal lice.    The people of the Dusk Seal islands communicate only in song, and then without any discernible words. The Camri language of the Alyri has evolved here. It's not possible to translate all of the words without a native speaker.    The people remain protective of the cairn located on the north eastern island.    The Omond to the south west of the islands speak a variety of languages and often have better hygiene.

Cover image: by Nic Tatum


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