Pùmasian, the Language of the Temer

Natively known as: pùmas /ˈpymas/

  ...and he stood holding his hat and turned his wet face to the wind...
sa sù khus a thure mal sa a ros urage khuma banna bes
Pronunciation: /sa sy xus a ˈthure mal sa a ros ˈurage ˈxuma ˈbanna bes/
Pùmasian word order: and he stood hat his holding and his face wet turned the wind to  

Spelling & Phonology

  Consonant inventory: b d g h k l m n p r s t x  
Nasal m n
Stop p b t d g k
Fricative s x h
Trill r
Lateral approximant l
Vowel inventory: a e i o u y  
High i y u
High-mid e o
Low a
Syllable structure: Custom defined ?
Stress pattern: Initial — stress is on the first syllable ?   Spelling rules:  
x kh


  Main word order: Subject Object Verb (Prepositional phrase). “Mary opened the door with a key” turns into Mary the door opened with a key.
Adjective order: Adjectives are positioned after the noun.
Adposition: postpositions ?  


  Nouns have four cases:
  • Nominative is the doer of a verb: dog bites man.
  • Accusative is the done-to of a verb: man bites dog.
  • Genitive is the possessor of something: dog’s tail hits man.
  • Dative is the recipient of something: man gives ball to dog.
Nominative No affix
pùgi /ˈpygi/ dog (doing the verb)
Accusative If ends with vowel: Suffix -l
Else: Suffix -il
pùgil /ˈpygil/ (verb done to) dog
Genitive If ends with vowel: Suffix -l
Else: Suffix -yl
pùgil /ˈpygil/ dogʼs
Dative Suffix -ys
pùgiùs /ˈpygiys/ to dog
Definite No affix
pùgi /ˈpygi/ the dog
If ends with vowel: Suffix -n
Else: Suffix -in
pùgin /ˈpygin/ the dogs
Indefinite Suffix -us
pùgius /ˈpygius/ a dog
If ends with vowel: Suffix -n
Else: Suffix -an
pùgin /ˈpygin/ some dogs


  Pùmasian encodes definite article ‘the’, and indefinite article ‘a’ in noun affixes. See Noun section.


1st singular pùs /pys/ I mel /mel/ me tù /ty/ mine mu /mu/ to me
2nd singular pe /pe/ you ba /ba/ you pa /pa/ yours pi /pi/ to you
3rd singular masc sù /sy/ he, it (masc) /y/ his, it (masc) be /be/ his, its (masc) tha /tha/ to his, to it (masc)
3rd singular fem as /as/ she, it (fem) su /su/ her, it (fem) thal /thal/ hers, its (fem) mo /mo/ to her, to it (fem)
1st plural tùn /tyn/ we a /a/ us bi /bi/ ours o /o/ to us
2nd plural os /os/ you all dù /dy/ you all is /is/ yours (pl) than /than/ to you all
3rd plural pin /pin/ they bil /bil/ them u /u/ theirs bu /bu/ to them

Possessive determiners

1st singular rus /rus/ my
2nd singular mil /mil/ your
3rd singular masc a /a/ his
3rd singular fem do /do/ her
1st plural the /the/ our
2nd plural mu /mu/ your (pl)
3rd plural pal /pal/ their


Present No affix
sùlu /ˈsylu/ learn
Past Suffix -y
sùluù /ˈsyluy/ learned
Future If ends with vowel: Suffix -l
Else: Suffix -il
sùlul /ˈsylul/ will learn


  Pùmasian has a base-10 number system:   1 - thu
2 - son
3 - ol
4 - then
5 - thù
6 - ma
7 - bi
8 - mol
9 - sidi
10 - ru
100 - pus
1000 - khil

Derivational morphology

  Adjective → adverb = Suffix -en
Adjective → noun (the quality of being [adj]) = Suffix -an
Adjective → verb (to make something [adj]) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -n
Else: Suffix -in
Noun → adjective (having the quality of [noun]) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -s
Else: Suffix -es
Noun → adjective relating to noun (e.g. economy → economic) = Suffix -an
Noun to verb = Suffix -a
Verb → adjective (result of doing [verb]) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -s
Else: Suffix -os
Tending to = Suffix -a
Verb → noun (the act of [verb]) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -n
Else: Suffix -an
Verb → noun that verb produces (e.g. know → knowledge) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -s
Else: Suffix -as
One who [verb]s (e.g. paint → painter) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -s
Else: Suffix -os
Place of (e.g. wine → winery) = Suffix -a
Diminutive = If ends with vowel: Suffix -nne
Else: Suffix -inne
Augmentative = Suffix -al


3052 Words.

Cover image: by Nic Tatum


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