The Gilt Goddess

The Religion of the Gilt Goddess is the main religion of Canar. Especially in regions such as Palispar, there are temples throughout the land built in her glory. Adherents of the religion call themselves children of gold. The religious doctrine states that those choosing to worship the Gilt Goddess must provide a regular tithe of gold at temple. This tithe is reallocated to the low and unfortunate of Canar. The temples of the Gilt Goddess are often coated in gold leaf and can be seen shining brightly in the light of the two suns. It is common to leave a tribute of gold feathers at the bottom of her shrine.   The religion holds that acts of charity will be rewarded tenfold in the world-after. It also posits that the unfortunate have been made so by the poor grace of those around them, that to be poor is not someone's fault but a condition of a society that blinds itself to the needs of its fellows. Therefore, it is the religious task of those that believe in the Gilt Goddess, to rectify this sin of society and to lift up those in need around them.

We are all children of gold.

Founding Date
755 MA
Children of Gold

Cover image: by Nic Tatum


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