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Horcux is defeated, and the independent island state of Yymenda was freed of the mind-numbing curse he held over its people. The party of heroes who saved the island left shortly after the celebrations ended, leading off to different paths across the known world. Thus, after a long 10-year discussion with the mainland, Yymenda was finally convinced to share its marvels involving the fusion of magic and machinery. Revolutions of science and magic began to collide across the mainland, if ever so slowly. Yymenda's ideas are hard to gather for unaccustomed people compared to Yymendians who are well-adjusted since birth. People are scared of this new age of machinery, sparking some flames of paranoia and discomfort across the people of the mainland: Promithane.   Promithane was one of the Material Creations first spots for mortals to spawn. Through the collaboration with the pantheon, they created this landmass and then allowed their creations to rule. From one of the first edges of Promithane sprouted a large tree, easily capabile of being its own city, provided everything for life to thrive. From that tree expanding southward, the rest of the land formations took shape as nature best saw fit. The continent was eventually populated by beasts and humanoids alike, either choosing to stay near the Tree or finding a habitat further south.   Now as time passed in these new locations, the people and creatures of Promithane felt new desires and wants. The mortal sins embued in them since creation found ways to spark conflict amongst any corresponding situation. Beasts became territorial, refusing to share in their grounds for fear of being overtaken and killed. Humanoids felt that as more were born each year, more of their lands were in danger of being stolen or pillaged. Everything was deseperate, and with pieces of the world being discovered everyday, people began to gather for safety. Some began to rally other clans and cliches to offer each other protection as tensions between all people grew. At the beginning of 397 F.R. (First Record), the Dawn War began.   Besides the rest of the world just wanting to survive, there were a collection of families that had enough numbers to truly establish rule: The Cintras, the Vindenfels, the Veritas, the O'Quintels, and the Torrentians. During this section of 397 F.R. to 455 F.R., battles spanded across the entire continent with chaos being the center point of it all. With this came advancements in weaponry, armor, vehicles, and magic. At the height of this Renasiance era, a REDACTED Cintran Mage came across a form of power unseen before. Though great, they lost control of their minds and caused a great cataclysm to form both Borgav Cintra and "Timor" by summoning a volcano on Tenebrys at the cost of their life. In an instant, across the entireity of Material Creation, Mortals were restricted from casting spells that their bodies could not handle (Level 10+). After this declare, all parties began to calm down and chose to form agreements and follow what they believed the Gods and Godesess's messages were. By honing on these values, more peaceful times came together and slowly built up from there (ending the war in 456 F.R.).   Now, in the year 656 F.R., new shifts in the cogs of Promithane begin to move. Yymenda's recent liberation has allowed Citizens of the nation are either up in flowers or in arms for the new age that's bound to come, and entities of evil shall surely take advantage of the suing chaos. The good news, people still continue to evolve. New magics and new mutations are leading to stronger adventures, creatures, and sources of all kinds. Hope begins to emerge when a party forms together, determining to have their wills carved on this new world. Which paths do you choose?