Bhalea Species in Pronathea | World Anvil


"Here you see the graceful bhalea, grazing amongst the graces at the muddy waters beneath its feet..."
— Unknown

Tall to the Tides

  With a long, orange-red stick-like bill, the bhalea bears a brown plumage with a white underbody. Their long thin legs rises them out of the water and lets them move with minimal disturbance to the waters or the mud underneath them.   Found along the shores of lakes and all through marshlands, bhaleas are a gentle and peaceful bird. They have no violent tendencies, and simply fly away if they are startled or frightened.  

Water on the Wings

  Bhaleas are most often found in pairs and when they do find each other, they begin their courtship ritual by touching their bills together and slowly walking in a circle. Should both of them spread their wings in time with their steps, they will have successfully courted each other. If one does not spread their wings, they most likely do not wish to have them as a mate.   During their breeding season, bhaleas build a nest on or near the water and lay up to six eggs. These eggs hatch after a few weeks, with the hatchlings with dark colourations on their underbody which slowly dissipate over time. After about a month, the fledgling bhaleas are considered to be mature enough to take to the skies and find their own mates, spending the rest of their life living in peace with them.   While it isn't uncommon for a bhalea to spend time away from its nest if their food source has been temporarily startled away from their territory, they will always return to their companion and their nest. No matter the distance left between the paired mates, they will find their way to each other before they have to relocate for the winter months.
10 to 15 years
Average Height
Approx. 0.8 to 1 meter
Average Weight
900 to 1700 grams
Average wingspan
1.4 to 1.9 meters


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Dec 3, 2021 21:40

They sound like such precious birbs!   Keep up the good work! :D

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Dec 7, 2021 17:01 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Awww, leggy startle-birds. <3 They sound like they would be relaxing to watch.

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
Dec 8, 2021 05:40 by Andrew

They definitely would be if you like birb-watching!