Blazeback Drake

"So, explain to me again why we're cooking dinner on a lizard?"
"For the last time, Charlie is not a lizard. They're a drake. There's a difference."
"Like what?"
"Like the fact that they can even let us cook dinner on their back, you gods damned moron."
— Two friends and Charlie


  Treasured by the peacekeepers of Kubicha, blazeback drakes are roughly the height of a medium pony and over twice the length. Their scales can be a variety of colours, from a sandy brown to a blazing red to a charcoal black, though their eyes are always a piercing yellow. Their taloned feet make them excellent at climbing and digging, though their true treasure lies in their scales.   When necessary, blazeback drakes can increase the temperature of their scales to extremes, able to reach the point of permanent damage to anything that even barely touches them. Any creature that makes the mistake of doing so will quickly figure out their mistake, often rapidly disengaging the drake to the point of stumbling over their own allies and injuring themselves further.  


  Though the ability to heat up their scales is tremendously useful, blazeback drakes do not solely rely on it as a deterrant. They are also able to, with great focus, force their scales to emit a stunningly bright light for barely a moment, blinding their foes enough to be able to either launch an attack or get away. Should that fail, their last measure is exhaling bursts of scalding air, producing a heavy smoke that smells eerily of barbecued meat.   Blazeback drakes are not commonly aggressive, the majority of them in the wild are quite peaceful creatures that keep to themselves, perfectly content to live amongst each other and enjoy themselves. Due to their abilities, however, they are not uncommon sights in the hands of Kubichan peacekeepers, and their relatively peaceful disposition makes them fairly easy to raise and train to work with them.


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Jul 7, 2024 13:06 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love them, though I do have a strong urge to cook an egg on one. I love that they are trained as working drakes.

Emy x
Explore Etrea
Jul 7, 2024 13:33

The egg is very tempting, yeah. Yummy yummy drake-cooked eggs

Jul 7, 2024 15:09 by Chris L

I want a drake named "Barbie" and I want to throw shrimp on them!

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Jul 7, 2024 15:43

Amusingly, pink is a valid shade of their scales

Jul 16, 2024 16:42

I would imagine these creatures to be quite the hungry fellas to generate the amount of energy required heating their bodies up like that. Probably preserving a lot of energy during the day if they don't have some magical gland generating the heat.   Now if you excuse me I'm going to grab one and open up a BBQ. Health & Safety regulations be dammed.

Jul 17, 2024 05:13

Ooooh, I could go for some barbecue!

Jul 21, 2024 00:48 by E. Christopher Clark

The sound awesome. I love that you can train them. And that anecdote at the top is chef's kiss great. I sometimes skip right over opening quotes (just a me thing) but I'm glad I didn't this time.

Enroll in Yesterland Academy today!
Jul 21, 2024 07:27

Charlie is 100% not a lizard. It's important information!