
"Hear that humming?"
— Unknown

Out for Blood

  Brought to the world in the form of hardened steel turned scarlet, with a grip of dark leather behind a darker steel crossguard, Bloodsong is a blade known by reputation.   The scarlet blade gained its appearance from being quenched in blood, a process that also gave it an endless thirst. Despite the name and theatrics in crafting, Bloodsong itself is a fairly ordinary blade, with very little that differs in its construction from the average sword. After it was completed, however, work began anew on harnessing the blood-iron embedded in it, granting it unknown power from these efforts.   When Bloodsong draws blood, she pulls it into herself, leaving wounds empty until the blade goes free and hums in satisfaction of quenching her thirst.  

Song of the Damned

  Bloodsong is not just capable of humming after sipping at wounds; the longer someone wields her in battle, the more in tune the two become. Swordsmen often speak of using their blades as an extension of themselves, but Bloodsong makes it a reality. Once a wielder has reached this level of symbiosis with the blade, she urges the wielder as they fight together, both in an effort to keep her wielder alive and to sip at as many wounds as possible. Some wielders even say that Bloodsong granted them accelerated healing in battle.   Though Bloodsong is not truly alive, those who wield her speak of the blade as female, with the image of a red-headed woman clad in darkened steel armour and a fierce expression conjured into their minds upon thinking of the blade.   Those who wield Bloodsong without thought or care might find the weapon heavier than its true weight. Instead of hearing a soft yet piercing hum when drawing blood, one would hear a harsh thrum directly in their ears, as if the blade itself were vibrating from a sudden impact into their head.
Item type
Weapon, Melee


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Jul 11, 2024 19:48 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

It's quite interesting that Bloodsong doesn't feel inherently evil, which I feel would be expected of a weapon that drinks blood. I like it.

Jul 12, 2024 02:58 by Andrew

Evil? No, definitely not. Thirsty on the other hand....

Jul 21, 2024 01:56 by E. Christopher Clark

She just wants to keep on sipping. What's wrong with that? Question is: how refined is her palate? Are there certain kinds of wounds she likes more, or certain kinds of blood?

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Jul 21, 2024 07:29 by Andrew

Without doing hands-on testing, it's hard to say. Bloodsong isn't particularly talkative, y'know?

Aug 3, 2024 14:23

You know, it does make me curious what would lure people into actually wielding Bloodsong, seeing as you describe it as just an ordinary sword whose only unique trait is that it drinks blood. Unless being cut by it is basically drinking you dry like a capri sun, sapping you from life in a literal sense.   Is there anyone currently known to have Bloodsong in possession, or is it just some mythical thing that shows up on a battlefield and finds the next hand to feed it?

Aug 5, 2024 03:38 by Andrew

It's handed from person to person, Bloodsong isn't sentient so she has no way of just showing up somewhere and hoping for the best, but she has some small measure of power to exert on those who wield her carelessly.