Deepwater Surge Physical / Metaphysical Law in Pronathea | World Anvil

Deepwater Surge

"Ugh, what the hell is that smell? It smells like dragon shit."
"I have no idea, but look, the water... what's it doing..."
— Two unfortunate souls

Bubble Bubble

  Quiet within the lakes of the Eight Lands lies a hidden terror, a phenomenon as mesmerizing as it is deadly. Occurring in seemingly tranquil lakes, where the surface masks a volatile secret lurking in the depths. Unlike ordinary bodies of water, these lakes hold an unusual concentration of gases, trapped beneath immense pressure. When disturbed, this delicate balance is catastrophically disrupted, unleashing a deepwater surge.   The deepwater surge begins subtly; a few faint tremors ripple through the water, barely noticeable to the untrained eye. As the disturbance grows, the once-calm lake starts to roil, its surface churning with increasing intensity. The skies above seem to darken as if cautioning those nearby before, without further warning, the lake explodes in a cataclysmic release of energy.   A plume of misty gas erupts from the depths, rising high into the air for a moment before settling and flowing across the surface of the water, creeping further and further outward. Shocked by the eruption, the water crashes along its banks, and the land surrounding the lake is bathed in its unseen attacker. For days the lake continues to bubble and hiss, its waters now tainted with the remnants of the released gas, creating an environment inhospitable to life.  

Toiled, now Trouble

  The aftermath of a deepwater surge is profound. The once vibrant ecosystem around the lake is reduced to a near barren landscape, eerily silent and devoid of life. It takes years, sometimes decades, for the area to recover. New life eventually begins to creep back in, and the lake hides its volatile potential beneath a deceptively placid surface.   Inhabitants of nearby settlements tell tales of brave adventurers and curious scholars who ventured too close to these waters, never to return. Some believe that the surges are a form of natural purification, a way for the world to cleanse itself of accumulated energies. Others believe them to be the outlet for the rage of a being buried deep in the earth.   Regardless of the tales behind them, the danger that lies with a deepwater surge sits entirely within its ability to lie dormant until someone, or something, disturbs the lakes water just enough to summon forth its power.


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Jul 4, 2024 15:03

Omg, suddenly exploding lakes sound so cool! And terrifying, that too. o.O I hope the Kedines don't dwell these lakes. >.<

Jul 4, 2024 15:07 by Andrew

They do not! Kedine are mostly coastal

Jul 4, 2024 15:16 by Keon Croucher

So I'm aware enough to know this can happen, like for realsies, and my goodness is that terrifying knowledge. Well done with this though, nice little spin on them I like this very much

Keon Croucher, Chronicler of the Age of Revitalization
Jul 4, 2024 15:19 by Andrew

Yep, they're kinda spooky in real life, but mazuku's are spookier!

Jul 5, 2024 12:54 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

In real life, these events are terrifying, and you've managed to make them even more so. Well done! :)

Jul 6, 2024 04:44 by Andrew

Thank you for the very kind words! I am very glad that I live nowhere near anywhere that could possibly resemble a similar phenomenon