
"What the absolute fuck-nugget was that?!"
"Are you seeing things again, Jerlic?"
"I swear that I just saw a rabbit grin like a demon at me!"
"So you're seeing things again, Jerlic."
"No I'm not, I swear it!"
— Jerlic and his disbelieving friends

The Devil You Know

  In the quiet hours of the evening, when the light turns golden and the skies glow in the fading sun, those within the many forests and glades across the Eight Lands can find themselves hearing words and sounds that seemingly come from nowhere. Out of place in a strange way, not one that feels harm would be brought to oneself, instead these sounds have an almost ethereal joy to them, as if wishing you to play along with their games.   Some choose to take these sounds up on their adventure, often tiring themselves out and finding them back in their camp after being sure they'd gotten lost, usually with some kind of token to commemorate their little excursion. Others choose not to, and after a short while of persistence, the sounds will leave them to their peace as not all travellers wish to take such chances with their time.  

Why Do You Know A Devil?

  These sounds are created by the small, dubiously fluffy creatures known as duskbunnies. Experts in mimicry and sound manipulation, they use their powerful lungs to throw noises through the air to reach their latest playmate. Silent as a mouse, their fluff darkens when they hide, but once they start moving their fur begins to glow with a gentle pale light reminiscent of the moon.   Despite their generally tricksy nature, duskbunnies aren't malicious. They recognize when their games are wanted, and though they might tempt the stubbornest of folk, they also recognize when someone is hurting and is need of a different kind of trick. One where a run through a forest laughing at the silliness of their escapades is better left to one side and instead replaced by the calming presence of something wild understanding how you feel. The peace that one can find believing that the world is listening to them and giving them answers in strange, yet profound ways, is immense and should never be underestimated.   As one mysterious young woman once said, following a white rabbit isn't always the worst idea in the world.
by Theiket (via Midjourney)


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Aug 3, 2023 19:43 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Poor Jerlic, never believed.   I love the idea of the duskbunnies.

Aug 4, 2023 01:51 by Andrew

'tis the burden of Jerlics everywhere to know the sights that others simply ignore. Otherwise known as "hey, did you see that bun-OHGODWHATWHYISITAMONSTER?!"

Aug 4, 2023 19:55 by Kenneth Bignell

Duskbunnies are the coolest! What an awesome playful little sprite! Very nice! I loved the playfulness of this article.

Aug 5, 2023 03:23 by Andrew

I'm very glad you enjoyed them!