Peacebough Grove

"Sometimes I come here to get away from everything, y'know? I know it's not far from the city but it's just... It's just far enough that it feels like the other side of the world."
— Unknown

Grateful for the Sun

  Sitting quietly outside the city of Vesterguard, in roughly the middle of the island of Horn, is a small grove.   It was the sort of place where one might stumble in looking for a shortcut and find themselves a good deal more comfortable than they ever intended to be. The trees, ancient and wise in the way that only trees with a capital ‘T’ can be, formed a protective canopy that filtered sunlight into a dappled mosaic on the forest floor; a light which had a curious habit of making anyone standing in it feel as if they’d just been given a particularly comforting hug.   Legend had it that the grove was older than the oldest stories, and if you were inclined to believe trees had their own stories, then it was older still. Some said that the Peacebough Grove was the heart of Horn, while others suggested it was the mind of the island, its thoughts, and dreams made real. But the trees themselves remained tight-lipped on the matter, which is to say they rustled their leaves noncommittally when asked.  

Good to be Alive

  The Grove had a reputation, with travellers, adventurers, and even the odd hero with an eerily overdeveloped sense of their personal narrative finding solace there. It had a way of bending the rules of time and space, so that a night spent under its boughs felt like a week at a seaside cabin, only without the sand in uncomfortable places. There was something about the air that seemed to whisper, "Take a load off. Life's troubles can wait until tomorrow."   In the center of the grove stood the Peacebough itself, an ancient tree of such magnificence that it seemed more likely a wizard had gotten bored and decided to sculpt several large boulders into arboreal form. Its branches stretched out in a welcoming embrace, greeting each weary and worn visitor as a sanctuary. In a world teeming with quests and perils, it was a small corner where peace reigned, if only for a moment. The trees watching over their guests, offering quiet companionship and a gentle reminder that, sometimes, standing still was the best way to move forward.


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Jul 14, 2024 14:16

Please teleport me here so all my worries can flow away but for a moment. <3

Jul 14, 2024 14:24 by Andrew

I wouldn't mind visiting either, to be honest. I'm not fond of sand in uncomfortable places

Jul 14, 2024 14:35 by Chris L

You had me at trees with a capital "T"!

Learn about the World of Wizard's Peak and check out my award winning article about the Ghost Boy of Kirinal!

Jul 14, 2024 14:46 by Andrew

The Trees will always get you! In like a nice way, not like a kidnapping way

Jul 14, 2024 22:29 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I want to visit and settle down with a book and a travel mug full of tea for a while.

Jul 15, 2024 04:00 by Andrew

Ooooh, or a travel mug of hot chocolate!

Aug 7, 2024 08:24 by Rashkavar

Sounds like a lovely place to get away from it all!

Aug 9, 2024 09:28 by Andrew

It certainly is!

Aug 30, 2024 23:03 by Paul

I will find this place. Nothing can stop me now. Except possibly needing to travel to another plane.

Join the brave skysailors of Linebound!
Sep 2, 2024 07:03 by Andrew

Good news; not a different plane of existence!

Sep 2, 2024 15:01 by Paul

Perfect. The quest continues!

Join the brave skysailors of Linebound!